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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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Pssst Ive put one in destinations..but might take a few days to go down the page(:O)
Hello rainypops
I have an old Q in Hobbies and Interests if that is any use ture/Hobbies-and-Interests/Question309872.html
But most of my Q's are puzzle Q's and I don't really want the crusty old pedants in there reading my ramblings .!!
But feel free to use my Q if you wish . Quite low maintenance Robinia ..don't know if I can oblige with a jaccuzzi though..will be nice and warm though ...plenty of knitted blankets and balaclavas ..
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oh that looks just the job shaney thanks & we can all learn from neti how to do tatting
can we have a 'show and tell' day?......
no Vinny...not your 1960s Playboy collection ta....
(we can save your destination Q for the next after shaney's & it'll be orf the page by then)
< Tatty neti totters in tatters and totters out again> Sorry folks, am recovering from last night, and now have to get ready to go out to dinner again with the girls (youngest being about 50 I think!) Be glad when Mr N returns, don't like this single life - wears me out. Harry Potter hair style has gone, had lots of blonde streaks put in. Am off to the shower - hopefully catch up later (if I'm in my cups) or tomorrow when I've recovered. Take care my little chickadees.
Question Author
I say old's incwedibly black over william's mamma's...

...and it was thundering in the distance when I did a short stint in the garden before tea.

oh neti you'll be good for nowt by tomorrow & we're not carrying all of your tat over to shaney's knitting corner.
Evening possums. Have to tell you this story... Jude, your "foot man" and you having half a mind to pour your drink over him made me remember this.

Ten years ago, broad daylight. I was walking out from a grocery store and a man was quietly walking in. None of us looked at the other, but the second we passed each other he threw out an arm and squeeeeezed my breast!! Well! I assure you this is not something we usually do around here when we go shopping. I turned around expecting to face some kind of smirk, but all I faced was his neck as he proceeded very slowly on his way. There was something so meticulous about his way of walking and I suddenly realized how bleeding drunk he was.

I was so enraged that I really wanted to fight it out physically, but I have no strength at all and have never dared to hit anybody in all my life... they'd just hit back, wouldn't they, and instantly floor me. However, realizing how totally ****** he was... and how sloth-like his movements... I saw my chance. I made a careful assessment of the situation and decided to kick him for King and Country in the hollow of the knee and run like hell before he could get to his feet again. Now, my running like hell wasn't fast even ten years ago so I knew I had to kick really hard and bring him down good to give me a head start.

Said and done, I gave him a glorious kick. And completely missed the hollow of his knee. Hit the calf. Didn't fell him at all.

I was terrified! And I think at that time I did manage to speed up quite impressively with carrier bags and all...

Question Author
oooh rotten luck Kit - filthy should have shouted in a very loud voice, but I suppose the shock makes you speechless.
It reminds me how we used to do the knee thing in school assembly & they did the one in front & so on ...haha...there might have been some bazoom groping going on behind the bike sheds but I know nothing of that....nothing ....
What ho, Robinia, 'course you don't know anything about that, Sister Immaculata. / Hope you could open the cloned Swedes link (the one for "Tarquin") - 'cause I couldn't. But you can open the window and copy and paste the address, that works.

I got asterisked! How not logical. I ran a search for that word on the AB to make sure it was allowed and I could only conclude that it was as it appeared in lots of hits. How the bleep are you supposed to know what you can say on here?

Beer looks nice, Vinny - England seems so pretty... An uncle of mine emigrated and lived in England for, I don't know, thirty years or so, but hardly anybody in my family talks to hardly anybody else... I only knew for a couple of years that he was there and I never got around to visiting him before he returned to Sweden. He lived in the Cotswolds for many years - which reminds me I have to look that up on the map, have no idea where it is really.

Did you hear today of the trains crossing the South/North Korea border...? Made me think about M*A*S*H and sweet Aldan Alda.

M*A*S*H theme

See you soon, possums!
Question Author
Cotswolds...always sounds like a medical complaint to me .....oooh me cotswolds are crippling me....and I'm a martyr to me Mendips you know.....
and that pained expression on Vinny's face? doesn't talk about his Trossachs much....

Question Author
<whispers> it's not raining!

what's that sound? the dawn chorus? the wind whistling up from Woolly?'s the merry munching of a thousand slugs & snails, chomping my garden down to a stubble.... tut!
Anyway, they're shortly being despatched to various locations in the E & SW (all the sprouts you can eat for 19/11) & those with passports may be soon arriving in Sweden, Spain & a 'honeymoon couple' are off to Oz .

Is it safe to leave the house without an inflatable?

Ease off old girl, we have a million slugs slimeing their way to my back door every night. They are revolting, and daughter puts down salt without my knowledge and the next day it's slime, slime , slime everywhere. Yukk! Ever put your foot on one in the dark? Not to be recommended!
Oooh it's a lovely day here ...warm and sunny ..all the little darlings have scurried back under their stones and into their hidey holes for now .I have just brought my tomato plants outside ..if they just dare to go anywhere near them I won't be responsible for my actions .

♫ The sun has got his hat on and Mr S is mowing the lawn ...Hip Hip Hooray .......♫
phew, saved... her upstairs has a gas leak and the gasmen announced they were going to cut the gas to the whole house, probably until, oh, Monday, Tuesday... It was forcefully pointed out to them that her upstairs's gas comes off the pipe after it's passed our meter so they could just turn it off for her and leave us going; they saw the point and sawed the pipe in half as it made its way up. Honestly, with no gas there's no baths, no Sky, and how would I watch the shopping channel?

Barbie tomorrow [referring to the alfresco dining arrangement not the toy] so with luck the rain will continue to be elsewhere.
Trust Jno to have a telly powered by gas !
I remember we had a gas fridge years ago..the pilot light was always going out and father used to have lay on the floor with a taper and relight it .
Question Author shaney...we had an ascot water heater & it nearly killed us once when it had fault & filled the kitchen with carbon monoxostuff.

erm, 'her upstairs' likely to become 'her on our couch for the past 2 weeks'? know what these repair men are like....
That amused me !
Just imagine ...half way through Midsomer Murders and the pilot light goes out . Instead of using your zapper to change channels you'd be sat there with one of these

Handy for chs on tst though could put it on toasting fork and hold it in front of the screen !
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morning gasbags...'s a pin ya beret on tight day here...

Well, he's nearly there! (Tarquin)....only 20 miles to go to the top o' the world.....well, bet it feels like it to him...

hope he's not walking tho'
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he's done it!!!
arrived at 11 o'clock.....
<waves tartan rug>
Question Author
lordy, am I still talkin to myself?

almost time to roll up your parchment & march on over to shaney's craft corner....
sorry Vinny you'll grow to like it, really, you will (your turn next?) and you can bring your airfix kits & we'll all get high on the glue...

Well done to Tarquin xxx - is he on his way to Ibiza next

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