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hope3fully | 10:24 Tue 29th Oct 2013 | Pets
13 Answers
rescue dog is peeing all round the house . Any suggestions and advice welcomed


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How long have you had him?
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since sunday. She is very timid and scared of sudden noises
Oh, I thought it was a male scent marking. You need to stop her roaming around the house and let her out frequently.
When she does a wee in the garden really praise her and give her a treat. If you see her sniffing around in the house, put her outside and encourage her to do a 'wee wee.' Overdo the praise.
You will need to be really vigilant and watch every move she makes.
She's obviously very anxious and needs lots of love and praise.
Hi there

This is probably him just marking his territory as he is probably a little but scared or uncertain of his new surroundings. I have rescue dogs myself before they go onto their new home and I have to say the 'peeing' period doesn't tend to last long. I use the Chtchchtch type sound that Cesar Milan uses and being very stern with him/her so that he/she knows it is wrong But only when he's doing it. If you do it after the event he won't know what you are telling him off for.

Either that or he's not litter trained :-( Which would be a pain.

Good luck

sorry - just seen the other contributions.

Girls are also known to mark.....

Go with this.... Ignore the bad and praise the good!

No tchtch Cesar Milan style... she is feeling anxious and needs time to settle.

Two days is a very short time to get her into the swing of things. As Tilly says, plenty of praise when she goes even if it means standing in the garden for an hour with her. BUT if she does her wees in the house please don't tell her off it will only make her more nervous.
A rescue Great Dane I have left an enormous and I mean huge pile of crap in the front room everyday for about three weeks... Meh... easy enough to clean up :)
Also, clean where ever she has a accident with washing liquid, it breaks down the smell of pee, but do it when she can't see you.

Thank you for rescuing, what breed is she and how old?

Lisa x
Question Author
many thanks to you all for your advice.She is a border collie who was abandoned so her background is unknown. She is about four and very pretty though very thin.
Well, if she's a border collie she will learn quickly. Good luck with her and do persevere. She will get the hang of it in the end.

Be careful with her during the firework season. She may need some kind of tranquilisers to get her through. I'd see the vet if I were you.
I would restrict her to a one area in your house. Let her know where her safe place is.
Probably just a matter of keeping an eye out and watching for the signs that she needs to go and put her out.
Hope she settles soon.
EVERYTIME she wakes up from a snooze take her outside, and after she's eaten as well. You will get to know the signs when she needs to go. As others have said, she's a Collie, she'll learn quickly. Plenty of praise when she does it. Good for you for taking her on. Treasure her and have patience.
We do no error training with or dogs, hard work but it works quickly. Take her outside on waking, before and after meals, after play and by default about 1 to 2 hourly at other times. Every time she goes outside, praise massively and give a lovely food treat. If you can keep her with you at night and take her out wen se wakes in the night as well then this will help, but if she doesn't need out at night then don't worry. If she has an accident, reassure her and clean it up well with a specialist cleaner that will remove the odour. All the time she is awake, keep her with you so that you will see when she starts to crouch and can gently and cheerfully get her outside
DO NOT correct her for this. Dogs will wee out of fear and correcting a timid one will only make things worse, also if she has been punished in the past for weeing in the house, she may have learned to hide it which makes things very difficult.
and bless you for taking on a rescue.
Question Author
i really appreciate all the advice you have all taken the time to suggest how to cope at this rather difficult time
You are very welcome, hope. Let us know how you get on, won't you.

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