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I will probably get some ause for this but here goes anyway. This is a genuine question. I am fairly new to this site & keep coming accross questions about tucking in blanks. Can someone explain why?
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Can anybody give a short summary of themselves as I often wonder what the other people who use this site are like?
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Please can anyone recommend a lively, great food but not too expensive restaurant in Dublin for a (sophisticated(ish)) hens night and any (cool) bars and clubs to go to too.... Thanks!
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I dyed my hair 2 weeks ago. I used a dark brown non permanent hair dye. The color came out black and I almost cried at first. I never dyed my hair before thats why I used a non permanent dye. My...
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Help ! I'm going mad trying to pick a name for a baby that my hubby , parents , in-laws and I can all agree on. I'm due my baby mid December and although we don't know the sex of the baby , picking a...
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Can anyone tell me if you can get any tests done to check for ovarian cancer and what are the symtoms.
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finish this phrase "tuck your ______ into your _______"

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