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what state is jackrabbit city found in
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Never heard of him who was he? and why was he a legend?
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which side of a horse is most commonly called the "near" side?
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There are plenty of bright spots in the West. But one shines above them all. In fact, even 10 miles into space, you could supposedly read a newspaper by its ligght. Send us a photo of this...
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Taking care of business finally took care of what cowboy legend?
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How does a cowboy feel when he orders a pair of overalls-chilly, thirsty, silly, or thoughtful?
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Call him a horse manicurist and you just might get nipped. What's his preferred title?
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bandit born in san francisco in 1895 and a decade later gave rise to a gang that has been taking peoples money ever since
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you might not be able to go surfing,but dont forget the sunscreen. what colorful states capital gets more sunnny days
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call him a manicurist and you just might get nipped. whats his preferred title?
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Jamie Lee
What is the name of the Utah road that has one hell of a scenic drive waiting for you if you've got the spine for it , including a scary wooden bridge and hair-raising vertical drops?
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To protest an 1850 mining tax, a rough group of Californians decided they were ready to do what?
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He?s a rodeo legend who?s broken more bulls than bones. She?s the musical gem who?s broken some bones at his ranch. Name this famous pair.
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She was six feet tall, liked whisky and bad cigars and, according to local newspapers, broke more noses than anyone in Montana. But she always got the mail through. Who was she?
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Apparently the presidential race is pretty much neck and neck. Does anyone else find this hard to believe? Why on earth is Bush still so popular?

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