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when i google myself, detail such as address phone no. and even my age on page. can i remove? appears on search page, cites sites like, 123people, creditgate,, linkdin. my phone...
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I got an Archos 7 Home Tablet (pressie) and want to connect a keyboard to it, so sent off for a cover with integral keyboard, butwhen it arrived found USB is too big to connect. Have seen OTG USB Host...
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As executor and chief benefic of Will, probate granted end March. Solicitor said can now pay small legacy to close relative, who is not happy with amount left - they were sent a cheque, which they...
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My 46 year old son has recently cme back to live with me. He is vastly overweight and his stomach is so large it really worries me. He has acquired an appetite for vast quantities of fatty food and i...
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Help! Big style. I know I should know, as it happens every year, but this year been really stressful and not well. Tax Return for year from 5 April 2010 to 5 April 2011. should I have already received...
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I feel that I may have slightly damaged my prostate through excessive bike use, im ok but id like to know how to make sure I keep my prostate in good health. Any tips? lots of water, diet? I eat meat...
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I have to go to the dentist's tomorrow as I need some work doin g on a tooth where there has been some crumbling. I went on Monday but have an infection so am taking antibiotics and going back...
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Hi, I got a music/voiceover disk produced in a studio and want to dowload it to my computer and rename the tracks. I'm sure I used to be able to do this yonks ago, but don't know now. Can't afford...
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If I have POA for someone and am also named as chief beneficiary in their Will, can they be bullied by someone to change their Will, or would it be invalid if I (as acting on their behalf) was not...
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Any suggestions for companies I might make submissions to for corporate roleplay work? I've got a wealth of experience in business roleplay and am a professionally trained actor (Bristol Old Vic)...
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i need to know as much as possible about arthritis and how to cure it i welcome links to information and personal exspiriences. thank you
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Dave Bradley
During the past six months I have twice caused damage to my new Skoda. As both of these incidents were due to my own poor driving and inability to control my car, I am considering taking some basic...
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I bought (and later returned) a Navman 630 v2 portable GPS navigation system, which was supposed to recognise up to 5 digit postcodes. All six postcodes I entered could not be found, and Navman said...

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