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ui shall return hourly to fumigate the site of vermin. hey its a dirty job , but too many are being verminised by these rats. see you 12.30 its a rat trap and theyre snared. see them scurry ciao luego
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I must protest at all the innuendo and scurrilous accusations regarding legend. He is a most kind and generous person who loves children and animals. We have carried out our own investigation and...
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Guess what, Pyschick is a Swampie too. xxx
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(or death). Mine is being buried alive. I've worried about it since I was about six after watching a Hitchcock film (which I wish my parents had not allowed me to watch). What is yours? Not just...
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They're so stupid and annoying!! Where are all the 'decent' men or is that just an urban myth and they don't really exist? Me thinks it's just a myth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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my partner has a female friend who keeps phoning him when she knows he is with me and delights in popping round when im out . how do i deal with this?
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Why do we have very little or no hair on the insides of our arms/elbows or knees?
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Is there any harm in taking this sort of tablet on a regular basis?
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snowing where you are ? Katie. x
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I have not had my period in 3 to 4 months. I am not pregnant, I have taken many tests. I used to use a Nuva Ring and my preiod was alomst non existant. I stopped using it 8 months ago. I have gotten...
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well well well another day another dollar to my name! busy busy busy today people organising my teams move over to the new building which is happening on friday - should be fun!!! How is everyone?
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been arrested for?
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Whine whine whine God do you have lives?
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Dont worry folks because this one i can post. Not like last weeks charade . Hey i can even tell you who sent it !!!!!!!! Yes no smoke , no mirrors , no calls to ab editor and crying on the line. Heres...

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