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today i was reading the daily mail and read a very interesting article by a british army general. he was talking about future soldiers. he said that the yobs outside the local chippy would actuallly...
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Why can't some people just grow up and stop the impostering!!!!! It's ludicrous! At least that oconnor troll has gone now!
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i am feel alone in here and i would likes a group huggy please thank you do every body have this
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Happy morning to you please I am want to have meet and on the telephones with some please is any body wanting this also? I am not lot people to know in this Englind and am wants to have more people
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I just seen a bit of this. I checked it out on the net and to be honest I can't see it working. The woman playing Sarah Just didn't look right and neither did the lad playing John. I thinkthey should...
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would you thinks that maybe after a times on here that it helps make my English more better I am wants to be better at what i am say please be have time for me and help maybe me to be better
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Can some body please shortly explain to me how it work please? I have had look at the writing for rules and I have general ideas but could some body tell me? Thank you
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I meet my partner on a web site for people who are come from other place and other country I not know him well he think we now should reside in same place I not am sure. I am think we maybe wait and...
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i am not understood what you is al meanign from what you is all write for me please explain to me
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ok so you can meet a bride online. anyone done it ? anyone know of anyone whos done it ? do you think its sad or just a quick way to bring people together ?
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Is Body & Soul the Internet equivalent of Jeremy Kyle and Trish, all rolled into one? It seems to be full of inadequate people, baring their souls to the world and enjoying the verbal abuse that goes...
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Hello, do this web site stay busy night time? If come here at night time do there still people who will be wanting to talk and talk back? Thank you
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Where is the best place for me to meet another girl? I've just realized that I'm a lesbian and I don't know how to girlfriend.

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