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How do I upload a cd of my music to the net so people can hear it ?
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I was copying a Works Database file from a floppy disk to my hard drive overwriting an older version. Before the copy was complete I got a message to say the disk was not formatted. I clicked on...
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It is said that the body of water without outlet can get salty, like the Dead Sea. Why then some lakes are not salty and has fresh water?
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What signs of the animal's health should you look out for when buying a second hand dog?
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How long is a dog's memory? Specifically, if a Jack Russell sees a particular person once a year, will he be remembered?
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Can you connect multiple pcs to the internet at the same time with a standard broadband internet connection?
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Being an expatriate pom living down under I like to log on to UK websites. The BBC is one I like and one of the options they have is 'live' webcams in various locations, but when I access one of...
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I have recently upgraded my PC to XP Pro from 98SE. Before my hard drive was set to shut down after 30 mins of inactivity which it did with out fail. Now it won't shut down at all. I think I have all...
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where is the best site dedicated to downloading current movie releases and not a peer to peer site
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Does anybody know how to re-create the famous pop-art, except with a personalised picture? 21st b'day present, any packages/software/tools available?!?
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What is the 'thumbs' file that seems to attach itself when i upload files using WS FTP?
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What is the best motherboard if i upgrade to P4. John.
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I have an intergrated digitalTV, so I should be able to pick up free to air digital channels (BBC Choice etc.), but I live in a group of 8 flats with a communal aerial. I cannot tune any Digital...
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I am trying to download a screensaver but once it is downloaded I get the open with dialogue box. Could this be because I do not have Winzip. I have recently fomatted my harddrive and I think I need...
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How do I decode an IP address such as
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Can anyone help me with the run command that lets you select and unselect the programs that start up on Windows Me? Thanks in advance
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My Sims game, the Sims on Holiday, keeps crashing. I've tried Sims File Cop, disabling Anti-Virus and running the game in 800x600 mode. Does anyone know what I can do?
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it's gone weirdo, i have no desktop, just a white background saying %thisdirname% when i go to start- programs it's empty, managed to get on IE by going to find-onthe internet. my virus checker is...
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I have a video file that is 3Mb too big to fit on a CD (ie 703Mb) Any idea how i can reduce this, maybe but cutting the end or beginning credits off? Or condense a tiny bit more. If i do this, will it...
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can i protect my rnaap from getting shafted by my isp?

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