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Cleaving tool used to split wood along the grain and make shingles shakes and kindling? ?R?E Thanks
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35a, my last one and I think I am being really thick - Figure of speech such as heart of gold, apple of my eye or all ears (5) ?D?O? Thanks
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My last two which should be easy! 16a A type of ballroom dance to fast ragtime music, popular during the early 20th century (6,4) T?R?E?/T?O? AND 51A A sudden violent rainfall lasting minutes but...
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I have three which are beyond me this week- please help! 1d Word that can precede shoe, bags, cloth and shirt (6) O?F?R? 3d Term used by Phthagoras, Plato and Aristotle to mean God?(5) M?N?D 24d US...
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43a Tower or post to guide pilots at an airfield? and 21d Former unit oflength for cloth equal to 21/4 inches and then finally 47a Short rythmic melodic phrase such as the opening section .....?...
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77a make thin or thinner? my last one to do and I am absolutely at a loss Please ...

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