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1 last one to do no 19 a stable in the dales 10 anyone any ideas
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Can you think of a well known person or character and change their name to incorporate an animal? For example - Hercule Parrot (This idea was shamelessly stolen from Boxtops) Over to you lot....
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Hi was just wondering how my post about uncalled for remarks turned into a debate about jeff chandler lol very funny.
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Hi I have only been a member for a week or so, but I have noticed that some AB members can be quite rude and abrupt replying to a question. I posted one and was immediately told off for being too...
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hi im stuck on last 2 no 16 aquatic plant with sword like leaves no 46 thirsty native arbor thanks in advance for any help...
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I need a new idea for another miniature sculpture similar to my last. For anyone who hasn't seen the one I did yesterday: I'm going to randomly pick one of...
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Have just read that Hayley will take her own life. ooooo noooooo pleeeeaaase, we can't take much more, we have run out of tissues already after tonight!...
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Hi I am new to answerbank. I'm doing the Lions club quiz water related answers. I am stuck on 1 The official name for a John Dory 3 - 4...

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