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if you go to chatterbank you will see 4posts down a highly rude,abusive&inflammatory thing that legend has said about my folks. should you be permanently banned for posting this kind of stuff? also...
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Dear Ed Have you a section that covers handicrafts and hobbies?
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Thought I'd make a thread on the US presidential race seeing as the start of it has been marked by the Iowa caucus today For the Republicans, it's a good start for Baptist minister Mike Huckabee,...
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A family debate - not sure which category to list it in! Is there a 'rule' about the different sides on which a male / female has his / her buttons? My clothes seem to all fasten left over right...
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anotheoldgit /news/news.html?in_article_id=494661&in_page_i d=1770 How can Poland get any useage out of their young conscripts when they only have to serve 9 months?...
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Hi everyone, My wife Mother-in-Law passed away yesterday, my problem now, is that us being Jewish, my wife will be sitting Shiva at he sisters, so I will be looking after our daughter, (she is 23) by...
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Not sure where to put this, but here goes. I saw a piece on TV last night about charity shops and it reminded me of someone I used to know . She was vvery well-heeled but had volunteered to work in a...
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It seems Ian Huntly wants to die, why don't the goverment help him with his wishes, do you think they should? i do.
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Has anyone else seen that they're going to remake Love Thy Neighbour, but the black people will be affluent and cultured, and a white trash couple are going to move in next door, much to their horror....
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stuck mum
Hi i have recently married and as a step father my husband has no rights what so ever with my two sons aged 4 + 7. my ex husband disappeared 18months ago, no maintenance in 4 years, no contact, no...
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Just heard on news 4 year old boy been stabbed in liverpool and sister seriously ill. What on earth is the world coming to.?
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Are you able to tell the difference? I know I can not here, pixel land confuses me. But!!!!!! Those who can in my opinion are women. I know which ABers who can gracefully circumnavigate between, in...
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We love her to bits but she has the disgusting habit of eating her own poo and we need some advice urgently
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If you hit say a pheasant and kill it on the road, are you allowed to stop and pick it up and take away. I once heard that you can not, but a vehicle behind you can pick it up?
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Poland blocked plans to hold European day against death penalty. The EU, capital punishment is outlawed, planned to mark the anti-death penalty day on 10 Oct...
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We are told that 200 hundred houses per day will have to be built to house the 1000 immigrants a day that are entering this country.. Already are public services are under strain, yet still we...
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going to the bank today i saw the girl from the begging family . now ive mentioned them before.they are professional beggars. the thought crossed my mind.shes not what id calll attractive or...
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Two terms that puzzle and enrage me. What is Black on Black ? Is it when black people commit crimes against other black people ? Why does it get a special category of its own. Why not Asian on Asian,...
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have you noticed the imbalance in the football premiership in favour of black players? the pc lefty lot campaign for an equivalent ratio of ethnic minorities in the police etc.... about time the same...

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