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Here are five statements about Kenneth Williams, which one is false? 1. Kenneth was born on 22nd Feb 1926 in london. 2.His most famous work was in the carry on movies, and he starred in a total of 24...
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Heres another one, this spells out a top tv chef 4,5 - IEISRNKTC
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heres an anagram for you becuae im stuck it spells out a five quiz show 11 characters - BNESIERERAA
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here is five statements about david attenborough which one is false - 1. david was born in london on 8th may 1926 2.He began his tv career with 1954's zoo quest and has since presented shows such as...
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i have another anagram its a hit reality show 3,7 - BBRIHRGETO
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i need some help working out this anagram its a camp tv comin two words 6,5 - rcjlaiynula

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