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i gained alot of weight quickly and now have lost a bit of it, thing is i have stretch marks on my stomach now, im really concious of them, i go on the sunbeds and i feel they make them stand out...
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My daughter is 15 and she has terrible stretch marks all over the tops of her legs and on her belly, she is a size 12 and we are trying to get fit together, it is really getting her down, can anyone...
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Hi everyone, Over the past couple of years i have put on a lot of weight and consequently gained some stretch marks along the way. The worst are on my stomach and what most call "love handles" around...
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does anyone no any good creams, lotions to get rig of stretch marks, or even just to fade them alittle bit. thanks
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I was wondering if anyone knew the best way of not getting stretch marks before my belly gets bigger. Or if there even is a way??
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Help. Im a 23 yr old male who has nasty little stretch marks on my arms between my biceps and triceps. Has anyone got any good advice on somthing to use to try and take them away or at least stop them...
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What is the best product to use to help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy???
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I have recently got additional stretch marks on my tummy. I have recently lost weight (though not lots). Could this be a cause?
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Is there anything you can possibly use to 'fade' stretch marks? I went on the contraceptive injection and gained weight so quickly my upper arms have red stretch marks, I came off it and am now losing...
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hi all- i managed to get rid of the majority of my stretch marks from my first child born 3 years ago, just got out the bath and they all come back!! i am 30 weeks pregnant and hoping it aint gonna...
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Those that have given birth...did you suffer from bad stretch marks? What did you do to prevent them? My boyfriend was told by a colleague that Olive Oil does the best job...?!
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I think, I've posted this in the right bit but here goes anyway! Okay, I've not had a baby nor am I pregnant. I'm just a plain size 12 but I've noticed these stretch marks just on my hips 'love...

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