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6a) Not blatant, (6) ?U?T?E. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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21down says " group formed by 9across in 1971" but carnt find 9across?...
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Is it me, or is there a mistake in the you xword today? 12a greeting at sea is shown has having 4 letters......ahoy, but there are 5 spaces! 2d Scanty, deficient inadequate gives me ?n?n?n therefore,...
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as used to move around monopoly board (6) ?O?E?S as used to move around monopoly board (3,3) R?P, ?A?...
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Has anyone solved the arroword today? I haven't a clue as during the 80's I was living abroad. The following letters when unscrambled reveal a TV show from the 80's.. DLTSTLIADCYE...
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Daily Mail Pitcherwits Wed 16/01/2013 Any help for this one please 7D Relocation, with a net loss, can be arranged to reduce heat A-- C--L 3,4 Many thanks...
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Any ideas - last one to solve from Daily Mail Pitcherwits 10/01/2013 18a No arguing with such folk (11) D---R-N---E Thanks...
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7a) many regular army officers considered the hero of (lawrence of arabia) to be one , ?A?M?? 12a) what the hero of (lawrence of arabia) was in many languages, ?L?E??....

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