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should it be allowed into the oscars and other prestigeus film awards as they are entertainment.
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Is shagging sheep cruel - maybe they enjoy it ?
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Has anyone ever learnt to swim by being "thrown in at the deep end"? And for that matter, has anyone ever drowned by this method?!
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I heard this story about a Diver being found in the middle of a burnt out Forest. The only way he could of got there was from being sucked up from a Fire plane. Is this story true? Personnally i don't...
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The Wanderer
Why dont Sheep shrink in the rain? Seriously why dont they?
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Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
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I dont get why people have to label other people, I know why some people dislike chavs (because some are violent and they are known to get pregant at an early age) but whats wrong with emos! :O I...
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a female in our office has never seen any (yes you here right ANY) of these films please tell me what her punishment should be
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A Dublin newspaper tracked him down, no newspaper in England nor the BBC have,so far as I'm aware, condemned the Reporters who did this. All buddies sticking together ?
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In the local park where I take my dog for a walk there are houses backed up to the park so their gardens face the park and there is a concrete wall between the gardens and the park. There's this one...
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So Celtic have won the SPL by miles, will they be able to better the Gers run in europe next season and can "Le Gorm" really turn them into challengers to us next season??
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I have my own thoughts on this matter but what do you all think. Which is the greatest club league in europe.
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does anyone think it would be great if leicester won the final as last year they won the premiership but lost the fianl. I think sweet justice.
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My 5 week old loves her pacifier, but she can't keep it in herself. It is driving me nuts. I got up 13 times to put it back in last night. Can I take it away cold turkey all day? Should I? I actually...
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does anybody know where martin lipton has gone to. he has disappeared from the daily mirror football pages for almost one month has he been sacked or gone to another newspaper i shouldn't think he has...

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