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Just wondering if any other ABers have had the above illness. How long did you have it for? How severe was it? Has there been any lasting effects on your health?
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Do any of you play board games with friends? I am thinking of having a group of friends over one night for a game night, and I would love some ideas for which games to get :)
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whats yours or at least the one you use most? i say most except the "c" word but when im trying to be good i use the phrase pigging and poohead a lot! x
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Can someone please recommend a Good Hairdresser in the Tolworth, Surbiton, Kingston area, for cutting and colouring, not old fashioned or costing the earth either if possible! Also any makeup stands...
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Does anyone know what the poem is that talks of someone not having left (died) but just next door?
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I'm so embarrassed I'm a 29 year old woman i had my kids with me and i fell over at my local shops my kids laughed, strangers laughed i tried to laugh but my knees and hands are sore and bruised and...
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I am having problems sleeping, getting to and staying asleep! I got some herbal tablets to try which made me get to sleep fine but I was still tossing and turning and woke up several times in the...
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Hi guys, moment of (slightly alcohol induced) mini wobble last night on my way home from a work night out. Basically, I am surrounded by friends and colleagues either getting married or already...
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In my new office we have quite a bit of male eye candy (male eye candy being a rarity at the best of times!). I therefore find myself admiring the hunks and giving them marks out of 10 (higher scores...
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Is there a silence today to mark 9/11??? if so when?
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bubbly girly
Does anyone know of any super duper fast ways to get rid of pimples? I have already tried the lemon juice on the cotton ball and the ice pack. PLEASE HELP
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One of my oldest, closest friends is getting married soon (he's male, I'm female) and I've been invited to his wedding. The thing is, since he met this girl five months ago, I have barely heard from...
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Does anyone know where I can download the music/ video clip of the final beach scene?
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Am I the only one hooked on this? and I hate the fact they are 2 parts!!!!!! drives me mad. Last night was such a cliff hanger.
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For the ladies: Would you ever agree to go out with a man who asked you out randomly in a store or on the street? I have been asked out 3 times this past week by completely random men (2 were store...
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As I've mentioned before, my flatmate and me, whilst being best mates for years, are often like chalk and cheese. He's very much a glass half empty kind of person, wheras I'm the opposite. In the pub...
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I HATE MORNINGS! I really, really struggle to get up - I am now thinking that I have got myself into a routine that isn't helping the situation. I have to be up at 7 but set my alarm clock 20 mins...
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does anybody no any websites where you can type in what you have ate in the day and then it calculates your calories thankx
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I know lots of people on here ask about good things to see/ do dating wise like on frist dates and stuff..... Well my question is do you lot know of any ideas on how do have a bad date, places to...

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