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I know you're all intelligent folks on here, but I was wondering, have you or any friends, received the following scam email purporting to be sent by Pay Pal? I knew it was a scam immediately as it...
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my husband set up freeview to record 'deal or no deal' with a series link... no matter what we try we can't cancel it.. just have to delete every day... anyone know how to cancel recording when you've...
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clue reads.... baffle because not to be added... probable but not definite letters ??N?L?S
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do i need to get copyright permission to have a specific piece of musoc played at my funeral
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but can see that your all pretty friendly, so is that because you have all been here so long or because you are 'friends' offsite?
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Can you please tell me if I am responsible for cutting and trimming conifers in neighbours garden, he said it is damaging his fence. I have told him that anything over his side he can cut but he said...
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when having yr income assessed for dept repayment plan should disability living allowances be include or disregarded. i know these payments are disregarded when calculating things like council tax and...
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one question was re scandinavian toast ... ie as in 'cheers'... i put skaal as did several others on answerbank apparently... i see the anser given is 'skoal' anybody come across this spelling...
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does anyone know what the connection is between nasser hussain,english cricket captain , and cornwall??
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does any know what this logo is for .. can only describe it as 3 sided capital N in mainly blue and green with some red and yellow ..... any suggestions welcome .. thanks also penguin in a half black...
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adherence to an esoteric quasi-mystical fraternity 14 letters i have R?S?C?H?I?N?S? but not sure abt the c or the h!!
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land surrounding a manor retained by the owner _ E _ _ _ N irregular cavalryment in the Turkish armed forces _ P _ M _ E _ thanks in advance
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11a woman finds leaders of royal english navy where you might find them ...... i have s*r*n* 15a dear shopkeeper buit must be avoided .... c*e*
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all the following are sequences.. can u help me identify the next item in each one : red,yellow,green,brown,blue,pink,? 1, 18, 4, 13, 6, ? B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Na,? T,N,E,S,S,F,? Z,X,C,V,B,N,? If you come up...
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doing a puzzle where the clues relate to old money ie: bicycle = penny farthing leather worker= tanner stuck on this one part of a monkey's leg =?? any suggestions ???
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17d wodehouse's best.... (4) p*u*.... i think the answer might be plum, and i know wodehouse's first name was pelham.. but still can't see the connection unless it's the pronunciation and 'plum'...
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12a old invader's battle-cry held back c?l? 10a heath's advantage split opposing sides ?e?g?r..... i 've got ledger (edge between left and right) but can't see what that's got to do with heath! any...
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33a twisted metal necklace or armband -o-c ... thought i was going to do it all by myself this week .. but cant think of this one !! Thanks in anticipation of your genius
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help with this one please .. 22d vague impressions, not minor, of putrefaction ???s?s. also 7d i have cellulose but no idea why !!

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