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Big Stu

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do tou have to pay to get married in a church?
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my dear best friend has just got engaged, i want to send her a card to congratulate them but i don't know what to write (i'm never good at writing cards). i want to write something really nice that...
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If you discovered a star...what would you call it? if you discovered a planet...what would you call it? im not sure myself...
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paul 1
Wishing you all A Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year What are your goals and wishes for 2008?
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Yesterday i was on pc on my hubby's login, began to type in a web addi when loads of addis appeared. when i asked my husband, he acted puzzled and said he'd have to look into it. After 15...
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i am 16 could we do that with out my mom and dad permission
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Hello, Not sure if this is the right catagory but anyway... When Jesus said ''It Is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven'' What was he meaning? Thanks...
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The speed they travelled in robin hood from nottingham to portsmouth in no time then out to the holy land at the speed of light fantastic horses.How do they do it?
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which series did David Jason appear in as Robin the Boy Wonder
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Hi guys, i'm looking for a good film of a particular variety. Basically I would like a film where a large part of the human raced has been wiped out (in any way) and the rest have reverted back to a...
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I missed the christmas show of Celine Dion. Is it due to be repeated again.?
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So David Cameron wants Hostpitals fined over the Super-Bug. doesn't he know that the money for the NHS comes from the Tax Payers ? So the cash will just go round in a circle ? Daft Tory thinking-just...
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I still cant decide on the nintendo wii or xbox 360. Halo 1 and 2 were my favorite games of all times yet I do find the wii really intruiging. Is there any good shoot em ups on it? has anyone played...
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How many British M.P.s have a member of their family in the Armed Forces?
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A Director of Barclaycard was force to resign from his job for making the following statement, it was deemed as offensive to Muslims. Mr Howells said: "The results were like Muslims - some were good,...
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anotheoldgit 69540.stm Once again "Johnny Foreigner" snaps his fingers for help, and we come running, regardless of cost to the British tax payer. Should we in this...
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hi guys, think this songs a few months old , but sounds like the kooks kind of style (but isnt them i dont think) anyway lyrics in the chorus are something like ; "so if youre lonely, why do you say...

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