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Foa Lankeela

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rsvp | 08:11 Thu 23rd Jul 2015 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
Have checked out that Liverine unction Lankeela and it looks just the job - so much better to be able to use something personally recommend by someone experienced. Very many thanks for that. Stay well


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I've just checked this out as well and I shall be ordering some, just in case. It sounds useful to have to hand if you have dogs. Cheers.
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Nice to get some inside info on this sort of stuff isn't it? I respect Lankeelas experience so am very happy to have ordered it on her recommendation. We'll compare notes later on maybe! stay well.
I am interested as Maxie came to me unbeknownst to me with fleas - I had an extremely bad time de-fleaing not only my whole house and my two legs. Horrendous. Any way so far so good. I used Acclaim for the house but woul like something for him. Lankeela can you buy shampoo in the make and also do you need to order online. Thanks
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Jennyjoan - probably Lankeela won't come on this post so the stuff is call Liverine Unction (which is a cream) - if you google that though I seem to remember there was also a shampoo.
Yes there is a shampoo but I have no personal experience of it. The cream and spray are both very good and soothing. User Recommendation
lankeela - I fancy the spray cos I think the cream would be messy - does this stuff keep fleas away too cos I don't believe in Frontline. I had a dreadful time in the beginning with Maxie and bought stuff from Vets and had to do whole (top and botom) my house (to please me) about 3 times and it was a nightmare cos I never had one flea or tic on Harvey so I didn't know until I was ate alive on my legs. That I never want to see ever again
jj lots on here, including me, swear by Advocate which you can get from your vet. It's excellent.
funny ladybirder - when he was getting his boosters on Wed - she went to give him Frontline and I told her I didnt think much of it - she said hold on - went to the back of her surgery and gave me the advocate so obviously it is better/
Oh good, pleased to hear it. My vet won't use FL any more as it doesn't work in our area and she got fed up of people complaining.
How did Maxie get on at his Fun Day?
Hi Lady birder - He enjoyed it very well - but I myself thought it was going to be a scorcher of a day and it was quite cold.

However, while there wee fun things for the dogs to do - see saw, tunnels, jump over things - every one of the dogs there were not interested - they just wanted to play with each other. So I sorta said to myself he just as interested in all the dogs in Holywood - all the land, the water, the beach the lot - so all in all he and I weren't attracted to it at all. As I say the dogs were just interested in sniffing each bums LOl JjjCon
Oh well it sounds as if he had a nice day interacting with other dogs so all good. Thinking about it mine would be the same and would only (possibly) be interested if there were no other dogs around. We can but try and please them.

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