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What a rubbish year!

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SpikeyBush | 01:15 Sun 04th Sep 2011 | Gardening
18 Answers
All cucumbers died. Biggest tomato was the size of a pea. First runner beans only set this week. Disappointing show from the nasturtiums. Apples, after a dry spell followed by a lot of rain, all split and are now full of wasps.

Red hot pokers didn't flower, strawberries didn't ripen, no frogs in the pond.

I'll be glad when it is 2012. Roll on Christmas.


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Spikey, aww sorry!
you did make me laugh though with that tom as big as a pea!
Same here Spikey,
Tomatoes slightly bigger than yours (only just), no leeks, radishes all gone to seed, carrots all eaten by something, cabbages not even making an appearance, but I've had a good year for nasturtiums and spring onions.....
Was a good year for the roses .. according to Elvis Costello!
I had success with sweet peas!! Cut a few and brought them inside! :0)
Haha, nice one Quassia,
We grew lillies outside for the first time, but when we brought them in, they only lasted two days....
Does your wife make you cut the stamen off ;0) Still flowering those sweet peas! I grew them up a wigwam .. they're looking a little unruly now .. think I'll cut the last ones off and dig the earth over till next year!
She certainly does - she hates stains on the carpet......
your apples are full of wasps? :0/
bob .. thought she would lol!
Decided to try caulis for the first time, I have these leafy things in the veg patch,not a curd in sight, don't think i'll bother next year!
Hi Slinky,
I've never had any luck with cauliflower in the last 20 years or so, no matter where I've planted it.... so , yep, I'd try something else....
Glad to hear its not just me Bob! Runner beans, courgettes, spinach, beetroot, radish, any type of lettuce,leeks, cabbage you name it, but cauli has defeated me:-(
Strange? All my crops have done well this year, I got colliflowers to grow and Tomatos have done well and got some big cucumbers. Make sure when it's dry spell to keep the soil damp so when the wet spell comes there's no sudden shock to the plants, plenty of feed at least once a fortnight.
Oh dear, spikey - my neighbour's allotment has done OK but she has kept watering it. Our nasturtiums have gone barmy, with no attention at all, they just do it all by themselves. Our portulaca have - as usual - given an excellent show, as have the geraniums. The olive tree is just setting fruit and the kiwi is booming (although no flowers this year or last).
Despite my help my daughter and her husband have had a job to get rid of all their lovely tomatoes, cucumbers and runner beans. My freezer is stocked with the beans for the winter. Marrows have done well too. I thought that was due to the rain. Apples are lovely once you remove the blemishes.
we had agood crop of spuds (mind you theOH is Irish hehe) Our toms have been small but plentiful , our cucumber plant is stillonly 6inches high and yes we will have our first pick of beans for dinner today. Aplles all got eachen by the birds and sum total of pears 4 are riening in the fruit bowl so I agree rubbish year
My toms and cucumbers went nuts, I had a few french beans and loads of spuds. However, the chooks ate the cauliflours, onions and shallots, the spuds swamped the beetroot and my pumpkins get to be about 2 inches before they shrivel up and die. Loads of flowers on the melons but not a single fruit and something is eating my plum tomatoes.
I had an absolutely bumper crop of cherries, blueberries and raspberries. Gooseberries and blackcurrants normal size crop, but the strawberries are not worth mentioning. First time growing potatoes, so not sure what to expect, but would have thought I should have had more, radishes, spinach and salad leaves all bolted and went to seed, the beefsteak tomatoes are still green, the sugar snap peas finished, couldn't have had more than 10 peas off them, the dwarf green beans pretty much the same. Haven't dug up my beetroot yet as there is hardly any leaf on them so not sure if they are ready (again a 1st time crop). Had no peppers or chillis and the aubergines are still very small. Good this grow your own isn't it?
Tomatoes in the greenhouse and outside have been awesome despite having blight. The varieties Ilde and black cherry for the greenhouse and the small variety Balconi red and yellow for outside....i was giving bagfulls away.

Getting a dinner every other day from the runners, courgettes have been great, strawberries every day throughout June, carrots and my tub of spubs were super and now im starting to get the peppers and chillis.

Best year ever for me !
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