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silly questions to ponder

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zzxxee | 08:18 Tue 19th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
1........... What is the devils last name?
2....In a movie theatre which arm rest is yours?
3...macdonalds sells most fast food except hotdogs how come?

can you think of any more???


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Daryl Van Horne ( as in Jack Nicholson's character in The Witches Of Eastwick)

Both of them ta

wrong they dont sell 'hello der every body matey peeps' kebabs either innit?
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why do kids always ask why?
even after you have answered the question as fully as you can?
kids are always inquisitive and will ask and ask and ask till they get the answer they wanna here, bless 'em

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silly questions to ponder

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