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Bail/police bail

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abstibus | 18:36 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | Law
4 Answers
I sometimes read about people being released 'on bail' and others 'on police bail'. What is the difference?


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police bail is after arrest and being charged but before going to court.. and regular bail is granted by a court, between hearings/sentencing.
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Thanks a lot, sara.
What is known as Police bail is granted after arrest but BEFORE charging. The time between bailing and the defendant returning to the police station to answer his police bail is used to further investigate/find evidence. When the defendant answers their police bail a decision is then made on the strength of the evidence whether to charge/report or take no further action.

On Bail means they have been arrested and charged and are awaiting a court appearance or they have appeared in court and the court has granted bail for the defendant to appear at a later date

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Thanks very much, Paul.

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Bail/police bail

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