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Ember | 18:28 Sun 14th Dec 2003 | News
24 Answers
Pleased to hear Sadam has been caught and delighted to hear the mass weapons of destruction have been found too, two rifles and a pistol hidden in his cellar. Seriously do you think he should be executed?


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part2 The US conspiracy on the Mesopotamia/Iran/Middle East deal is enormous and involved 911.Hussein had nothing to do with it, but that's irrelevant, US was going to lose his business to Euro.Oil had to be pirated and the Iraqi funds and infrastruture taken over...cost 1.7 million innocent Iraqis but US "don't count civilians". The USA needed Hussein either dead or to insure his not blowing the whistle. Note he has "disappeared. Finally anyone who wants to torture maim or kill Hussein is no better than he is..or those in power who told him what to do. The history of corruption to get the Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld/Pearle theories, (again they are "third line" troops), into place for "pre-emption" is available if you care to look and read facts and watch serious docos too.. Hussein a devil??..he's an angel compared with his masters. Also look at Chili..a democracy subverted and undermined because USA didn't like where it was going. Toll 50,000 dead. Put the blame where it lies instead of pretending Hussein was some out on a limb "baddie"...he was a Whitehouse extension. Try cleaning up at home first..after Vietnam and Korea Cuba and SA, start looking at the Iran hostage conspiracy, the end of the cold war and the increase in nuclear since, the attempt to hide 'pre-emption'from the public , the Florida conspiracy, resulting "911" via saudi Arabia, the Iraq conspiracy, the evangelistic movement against islam and you'll be on the way...but there is a heap of surprises. Also look under "pearl harbour" on the web for some more conspiracy surprises (anyone who doesn't see the conspiracies has a connection problem) now documents have been released and confirm one. No,rotten as he is, give Hussein a break and get him out to talk the public before he is brain dead, if not already. Cheers

mabus will soon be dealt with regardless...your thoughts on this are all ignorant and dismissive.  he has business with fullfilling his fate...destiny is what we all push away from mind due to uneasiness and unwillingness to submitt to predestined outcomes.  It has been written and spoke of already. 


mabus will soon be dealt with regardless...your thoughts on this are all ignorant and dismissive.  he has business with fullfilling his fate...destiny is what we all push away from mind due to uneasiness and unwillingness to submitt to predestined outcomes.  It has been written and spoke of already. 



mabus will soon be dealt with regardless...your thoughts on this are all ignorant and dismissive.  he has business with fullfilling his fate...destiny is what we all push away from mind due to uneasiness and unwillingness to submitt to predestined outcomes.  It has been written and spoke of already. 


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