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Merci Beaucoup Pour Rien Le Francais

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retrocop | 08:42 Sun 19th May 2024 | News
56 Answers

Just why the hell did we bother with these cheese eating surrender monkeys in 2 World Conflicts.Their true colours emerge and it doesn't include the Red ,White and Blue of the UK. I bet there are a lot of graves turning in the hundreds of Commonwealth War Cemetries in France. Damn Monsieur Marie of Carentan



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Maggiebee, I don't doubt you've been called worse but this isn't about England - it's about the Union flag - and, like it or not, that's your flag too.  In your eagerness to poke at England yet again you do Scotland's heroes a great disservice.  
11:09 Mon 20th May 2024

Retro ..Love your war stories . Where do you get them from ?

Reading some of these responses I wonder why those brave souls bothered.  It matters.

Apocryphal tales abound this balmy spring weekend.

 You know you have balls of steel when you storm the Sword beach in D-Day with nothing but a bagpipe playing this song,

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//Retro ..Love your war stories . Where do you get them from ?//

Not Stories Gulliver. Unlike your deluded fantasies and continual trolling on this site what I relate is fact.I doubt you could discern truth from fiction.

Just why the hell did we bother - -  because it was in our interests of course - but you really knew that.

The lack of a Union flag bit seems over done. First photo shows a union jack bunting ( flying cool cats photo).

The Normandy invasion has always been called "Normandy landings" to ease the feelings of the Free French. We all agree you cant invade your  own country.

"Evacuation of France" is a new phrase and seems to be coined to save our feelings about  - disgusting and disgraceful  defeat in and around Dunkirk - but hey what is in a word?



Hi Gullz - Retro ..Love your war stories . Where do you get them from ? - his father mostly. For those of us who had a wordy father AND a son who remembers them ( retro n me)

these stories are true. I quite like the gormless one-liners from on lookers, but  others find them offensive. - My fave is an unfathomably stupid " he google lot, he does" which recurs rewgularly. - it sort of gives them the patina of validity


1940 the fate of the French Empire was interesting and also  untaught in schools.  La chute de Fance - didnt occur when Paris fell. It ended when the  Germans reached the channel. Kinda hinky even then.

July 40 the French Navy was given the option of joining the Royal Navy and declined. It declined so it was shelled and sunk at anchor at Mers el kbir

My father was a POW in germany by that time, and said to the French POWs: "it is a matter of regret but we just have to get on with each other." They agreed

The French colonial empire in Africa became a Free French Empire with the base at Brazzaville ( French Congo I think). Hence Rene's final words to Reek in Casablanca 1942 - " have you been to Brazzaville, Reek?)

The French Eastern Empire.... was ceded to the Japanese. Whaaaat? Secret treaty allowing them to walk in. Vietnam, laos. The French were not interned as the Dutch and British were.  That allowed Pere Teilhard de Chardin to write in the preface of the Phenomenon of Man " In 1940 I was wandering around Pekin, when all the universities and schools were closed...." He was French  and no interned

So basically the past in France is a different country - all this is not taught in French schools

The re-establishment of the French Empire (1945-54 Vietnam etc) is even more gruesome. First of all the Doughboys insist they didnt fight in the pacific to maintain the French Empire. THEN the French re-arm the japanese to maintain order....


Commies rife on here I see.

Despicable people who cant understand that it is the sacrifice of these men and women that enables them to spew their bile.

Truly evil IMHO.

Whoa, down there Mr McCarthy, your obsession is showing.

Glad to see it's not just Scotland you Little Englanders treat with disdain - France gets its fair share too I see.

Maggiebee, accusing people of treating others with disdain whilst calling them Little Englanders.  That's hilarious!   😂

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The Union Flag represents Scotland as well or didn't you know that. Didn't any Jocks take part in Normandy? Who p;layed the bagpipes for Lord Lovatt's commandos? The Greek Guard, The Dagenham Girl's Pipe band?

Been called a lot worse Naomi.  To read some of the comments you would think England had won WW2 single handed. PMSL. 

Retro, you don't have to give me a history lesson.  My dad fought in North Africa, Sicily and Italy and I've read the figures.

i wonder how youngmafbog thinks ww2 would have gone without the communists lol if we're really going to get into that 

but we shouldn't of course. the UK did not fight nazism so that the following insecure generation could lord it over the rest of europe to compensate for our own decline. they did it because it was necessary and because the government fortunately understood the threat to this country posed by nazi germany

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//Retro, you don't have to give me a history lesson.  My dad fought in North Africa, Sicily and Italy and I've read the figures./

My respect to your father. My Uncle Jock McCleod RSM .R.A. took part in Dunkirk and finished at Monte Cassino. I bet both your father and my Uncle didn't have your disgusting attitude towards our Vets.I would just be happy for the French to acknowledge the British contribution to their liberation twice and not to be so damn churlish.It is not a major logistical problem to muster up miles of bunting with a union flag or two on it.They quickly muster a capitulation flag.


Maggiebee, I don't doubt you've been called worse but this isn't about England - it's about the Union flag - and, like it or not, that's your flag too.  In your eagerness to poke at England yet again you do Scotland's heroes a great disservice.  

It was the Yanks wot wun it, not the British, or the French. Without the Yanks there would have been no equipment, arms, ammunition, tanks, guns and planes. The vast majority of supplies used in the Russian offensive to Berlin, were supplied by the Americans, despite what Stalin said, or Putin says, even today. Without the oil brought over in the convoys, there would have been no victory in the Battle of Britain because the planes couldn't have flown. 

In the end, the question won't be "Who fired the first shot. But, who fired the last shot" Twas the yanks, folks. 

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