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Chipchopper | 13:00 Sat 29th Jul 2023 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
I've seen a few dragonflies and damselflies around my pond (UK) but today I saw one that was new to my eyes, which I had to look up, online to identify.
it turned out to be a rare migrant from warmer climes of mainland Europe known as the scarlet darter.
The male is the most vivid red imaginable, which first brought it to my attention. Could this be yet another sign of climate change?


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That is some dragonfly chipchopper.
16:29 Sat 29th Jul 2023
I don't know but it was first confirmed in the UK nearly 30 years ago. Not sure if it is an indicator of climate change
So what's the story ? Does a damsel turn into a dragon after they marry ?
Rare migrant from warmer climes? Quick...get Suella on to it, pronto!
That is some dragonfly chipchopper.

I've seen a lot of very red dragonflies but nothing quite like that.
And that blue there, cobalt a moment, then iridescent,
fragile as a lady's pin
hovering above the nasturtium?

Ah, the older poet tells me,
that's a damselfly.
And if you just slowed down
and looked,
you'd see all sorts of things -

August Kieinzahler. 'The Damselfly' (detail)
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It realy is that red!

Thanks Ladybirder for those excellent pics
They are lovely pics aren't they;-) Thank you for BA.

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