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Tv Quizzes

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bobbie22 | 16:48 Fri 28th Apr 2023 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Why do some people on TV quizzes have to explain why they give a particular answer to the question ? Why don’t they just answer the question?


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It's like the answerers on AB.
They like to demonstrate how clever they are.
it's to stretch out the program and add a bit of empathy
Because the producers tell them to
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I get your replies folks, but the long winded answers do not make the programmes any better
Having been on a few TV quizzes, I can confirm that its because the producers ask you to 'think out loud'. It fills in the gaps between questions etc. There are loads of shows where, if you just answered straight away, the show would last 5 minutes...and I'm not saying that wouldn't be a good thing in some cases!!
It can be funny at times though, when someone gives a highfalutin reason to show how intelligent they are and it turns out to be the wrong answer!
I know what you mean, i bet it can be hard trying to explain a reason for giving an answer.

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