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Weecalf --- lol
I've had to do this flippin' run every day since my local paper shop closed..... :-(
Old youtube vids of bikerists are now newsworthy?
Can't wait for the cat vids ... cat vids are brilliant.
They aren't that good at cycling though :-)
dave says 'gness's tandem? ... never again'

Someone is now frantically looking for a video of a cat on a bike. :-)
Ooo....I remember that, Jo....and it still makes me gasp!... :-)
Question Author
Sorry not really news, but I thought it worth posting and that some of you might enjoy it.
That's where the perfume comes from, isn't it? Though he hardly had time to smell the coffee.
that can't be good for the body surely, all that jumping and crashing.
Must be bonkers! Well done though!!

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Bloody Cyclists

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