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Scabs on my dog???

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littletessa | 19:09 Wed 14th Jun 2006 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I have a 2 year old terrier. She keeps getting weeping scabs, mainly on the back of her neck & under her ears. If in scratching distance, she leaves herself sore and fur-less. At first it was just the odd one now and again, at the moment she has 5. Any ideas?


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We had a similar problem with our Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and discovered thet it was a diet related problem. He had a number of sores that he scratched at until they bled - very distressing for all of us! If you can find out what the cause is that will obviously help so a trip to the vet might be in order.
We gave Bill a Piriton tablet (on advice from our vet), which seemed to help but no more than twice a day depending on the size of the dog. Also Germolene (spelling?) ointment dabbed on to the sores to help prevent infection, although, according to the vet, dogs quite like the taste and will try and lick it off! We also used one of those Elizabethan plastic coller things to stop him licking which works but is quite upsetting for the dog as he looks a bit of a pratt! Hope this helps but you really need to try and find the cause which can be tricky. Good luck! X

my husbands uncle had a cat that used to have these also had a friend whos lab was the same both turned out to be a flea allergy found this out after the cat had been to the vets and had all sorts of tests for food allergies etc we use eurax cream from the chemist for the horse when he gets bitten by the gnats as it stops the itching for up to 8 hours
Please see a vet.

Given what you've said and the hot weather my guess is that the itching is causing the sores and that might be caused by an ear infection or fleas - but she needs to see a vet.

it could be the onset of mange so i would get her to the vets if i were you.

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Scabs on my dog???

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