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B.Bee | 22:38 Thu 25th May 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
can you choose to have an elective caessarean section on the nhs


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Not exactly, its really up to the doctors involved. Electives are usually just done for medical and in some circumstances psychological reasons. This is due to the fact that C sections are actually major surgery with many complications associated.

Just as ali says, its up to your doctors. If you have had a previous birth that was complicated and there is a risk to your or your baby during this birth then you should see a consultant, ask your midwife.

Electing for a c section for no other reason other than to avoid a vaginal delivery isnt likely. The recovery from a c section is much longer, more painful and restricts you after the birth.

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i understand this, but i am extremely anxious about putting myself through labour to find i need an emergency caessaren, through information given by people who have been through this, this has been a very frightening experience, i suffer from panic attacks and worry about having pain management in labour being scarey, as i react badly to some medications in that i have anxiety attacks because of them, i am trying not to let this affect me now as at beginning of pregnancy but i am very concerned

B.bee, i know exactly what you mean. I was the same. I spent 9 months scared stiff of labour, needles, pain etc. The thought sent me into a panic. I even said that if i needed a c section for any reason that i wanted it under general because i was terrified.

I went 14 days overdue and was taken in to hospital to be induced. But by the time i finally went into labour I seemed to go into a calm state. The breathing exercises i was given were great and i managed on no pain relief at all. I had a 6 hour labour and the worst bit was just the head crowning, that stings. But as soon as its over i swear the pain disappears (unlike with a c section) and you have a beautiful child in your arms.

Are you on any pregnancy boards? I can recommend ivillage where you can chat daily to women all due the same month as you, check out birth stories if you want and youll find that many 2nd time mums will sympathise with you on the fears of a first labour. i can give you the links, when are you due?

Please speak to your midwife about your fears as well. They see women who are scared every week and they can help talk through things with you.

Its natural to be worried, but that is no reason to have a C section. Have you considered the risk of DVT or wound infection? Also that you will be recovering from a major op when you should be bonding with your baby? Other people feeding and caring for your child during its first few hours of life?
In addition, I think that women shouldnt be allowed to discuss labours with anyone who hasnt had a child. If theyve had a bad experience they can put the fear of god into pregnant women. Just think how many women have loads of children, they wouldnt have more than one if it was that bad would they?

Hello B.Bee, I have gone through some stuff having two babies and if you would like to chat on msn its [email protected]... and might be able to put you at ease with some of your worrys..

Jen x

I had an emergency section after a failed induction (18 hours) & to be honest with you would rather go through the labour again as the aftermath of the section was a rough deal. It was very painful, took 6 weeks to recover, wasn't allowed to drive for that time & didn't get the best start to breast feeding as my heavy baby (10lb 7oz) was too much for me to lift & settle on me for feeding.

I too dreaded the labour & all I can say is it isn't as bad as you think. For a large part of it you are unaware of what's going on as you are almost in a "zone". By the time I was told I'd be having the section (48hrs) I didn't care & was not the least perturbed by it as I just wanted the baby out. From the time I was told I was having a section to my baby being born was less than an hour.

I think you should be speaking to your Midwife about your fears, as at the end of the day it is your choice about pain relief etc.

Good luck xx

B.Bee. I dont think there's a mum here who was'nt afraid of what she would go through,labour and birth. I had 4 babies 3 of which were CS and believe me a natural birth is much better and much easier afterwards. A C Section is a major op but you still have to get up at all hours to feed and change baby plus bathing them and this is while you're still in hospital.Once you get home you still have to do the same stitches and all. Even with my hubby helping out I still found it harder than if I had given birth normally. Im sorry about your panics but you will be given oxygen,just breath slowly and the oxygen will help. Also tell the staff about the panic attacks,they're very understanding. Good luck. x

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