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Car Battery

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rsvp | 12:08 Mon 16th Nov 2015 | Motoring
13 Answers
Sorry if this is a stupid question! -I have a old deisel Ford Focus ghia td di - first registered 2000. I want to buy a tyre inflator which needs to be plugged into the cigarette lighter - the specs for the inflator say 'simply connect to the 12v DC cigarette lighter in your car' - do all cars have 12volt batteries. (Car book is in the car and it's absolutely persisting down in stair rods here, hence asking on AB instead of looking it up) Thank you


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Go ahead. 12 volts OK. Suggest when you use the device you have the engine running so as not to drain the battery. I carry one in the boot. Very useful, as I caravan and need to alter rear tyre pressures when towing/solo.
Yes, all fairly modern cars have 12v systems. Some very old cars have 6v systems and lorries/buses etc have 24v systems.
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Thank you Frugalfred - much obliged for the tip about running the engine too. stay well
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bhg481 - thank you too - was a bit concerned as it's an old car but am happy to go ahead now. stay well
Frugalfred's advice about having the engine running is very sensible. Inflators take about 10 amps and you might find it doesn't work without the engine running.
Buy a foot pump instead and keep fit!
The one i have has a dial to set the required tyre pressure, e.g. 30 psi. Simply connect up to 12v cig lighter socket, attach device to tyre valve, switch on and it carries on until the dialled pressure is reached in the tyre.
To add to my previous, my inflator also came with a torch and flashing beacon, and attachments for inflating dinghies, air-beds, footballs, etc. Very useful.
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Khando I take more than enough exercixe for my ancient joints as it is but thank you anyway!
Think mine will be the all singing all dancing model too frugalfred.
bhg481 - I always get good advice from AB and value it tremendously - try to work things out myself if poss but spawn of Satan things like technolgy, cars and electric are beyond me.
ff; // my inflator also came with a torch and flashing beacon, and attachments for inflating dinghies, air-beds, footballs, etc.//

Can you get Radio 1 ?
LOL at Khandro! ^
I never bother running the engine when using my tyre inflater.

Unless your battery is on its last legs, it should cope with that, no bother.
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Hopkirk thanks for that - will try it and see what happens

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