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Help googling something

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mollykins | 20:38 Fri 13th Aug 2010 | Technology
42 Answers
As you may know, I'm rubbish at googling stuff and well technology in general.

Me and dad have tried finding the website of a paper that I'll probably be in soon. The town we were in was Whitehills but we're not sure what the paper was called, so I'd be grateful if a computer whizz could somehow find it.


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Hey chuck, won't be the forfar dispatch up that neck of the woods - Forfar is down near dundee, Whitehills is north west of Aberdeen.

Molly depends on how local a local paper you mean, The P & J (Press and Journal) is a popular paper up there, but it is a semi national. The nearest local paper is probably this one:
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chuck For Funks Sake I told you we tried googling it and couldn't find it.
thats no way to address a hunk.. :o
As annie says Whitehills is near Banff - in the land that time forgot and where nobody speaks English.

Chris was being helpful Molly. He wasn't far out geographically speaking.
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Annie i'm not sure if it's the right one but i've saved it and will look in a few days when the next ones released to see if we are in it.
"chuck For Funks Sake"

Good job you didn't type that wrong :)
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!..........
You need to think of different search terms - I tried 'whitehills newspaper' (without inverted commas), and used the 'UK only' option. Came up with quite a few suggestions, including Annie's one

The secret with seach engines is to think laterally.
an example of how googling, even by the pros, doesn't always get you the right answer, then?
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I'm not very good with technology. But we tried lots of terms and clicked uk only . .
Yes and not be rude to your elders.
Chuck you're not molly's dad are you......she speaks highly of him as well.
give Molly a break. She said she was finding it hard. She was given a link to a site that asks sniffily 'Was that so hard?' And the answer is yes, it was hard, because it threw up the wrong answer.
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I did say in my question we'd tried everything we could think of.
Craft, I don't think so.... but I don't recall them all from 17 years ago TBH :)

How about this?
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Exactly Juno, if someone does that, it only works if it actually shows websites that give you the answer.
foolhardy drunken teenager... well, that's not mollykins, but she was obviously in an interesting part of the world.

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