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Steamless kettle

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Lacmag2 | 13:43 Sat 07th Feb 2009 | Technology
2 Answers
I want to prevent the steam from an electric kettle rising above the spout. Does anyone know of an electric kettle that allows this (e.g. by collecting the steam)?


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I couldn't imagine such a thing - the chamber would be a breeding ground for bacteria.

Much less steam with this:

It doesn't actually bring the water up to the point of boiling
isn't it also knows as stephenson's bomb!

you could keep it near an open window...
underneath an extractor fan
get next door to make your drinks
stretch a balloon over the spout
force a cork into the spout and evacuate the street!
or simply
just drink cold water
..... before you ask ... you can get non-fizzing pop

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Steamless kettle

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