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help please

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dustinmyeye | 19:07 Sat 18th Oct 2008 | Computers
5 Answers
im not quite sure what i have done tbh, i was downloading photos from my mobile phone to the computer and i somehow managed to change what program opens them.( i was trying to watch a video it said i had to get another program to open them so i clicked on windows media) now the photos that i downloaded wont open, i changed it to open them with windows gallery but it is saying that photo gallery can not open this picture as the file format is not supported. the files for these photos are 3GP whereas all the other photos ive downloaded from my phone are JPEG. so obviously whatever i have done has changed the file format ? i dont know how to change this back . can anyone please give me advise?


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3gp are video files, realplayer or quicktime should play them I belive, if not you need to convert them.
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its not actually the videos i want to watch now, its the fact i cant open my photos because they are now coming up as 3gp instead of jpeg files. ive deleted them and re downloaded them three times and ive done a system restore on the computer ,. nothing has changed.
Right click on on of the files and select open with and then choose program, then select you program you want to open them from the list, put a tick in the always use this program tick box at the bottom and click OK
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ive done that chuckfickens none of them will open the photos to see just says file format not supported
Hold on I've just read this properly

If it is saying they are 3gp files then they are video files and not pictures!

download this 3632_4-10599855.html?tag=mncol&cdlPid=10861386

And I bet it will play them

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