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Compact Flash problem with EOS 300D

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ProperBoPeep | 18:21 Sun 29th Aug 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
Canon EOS 300D, and USB Card Reader don't appear to be compatable!! I can take pictures fine with the camera and download them directly via the USB conneciton. However I have recently bought a USB CF card reader, and when I put the CF card in, it tells me that the card isn't formatted and do I want to format it. If I click yes, the computer tells me it cannot finish the format. Is my card duff or is this a compatability problem?


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Try reformatting the card in the camera (make sure you have saved any images on it first). I had to do this several times before I could make the reader work Don't format the card with the computer, always use the camera
ive had no problems using a card reader with a cf card from an Eos 10D

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