I've seen them in shops, ranging from about 85p to about £5.00 for a box of 6. do you get what you pay for. or is it a huge ripoff if you go for the more expensive ones ?
Best to make your own. But failing that, the ones I find most pleasing are invariably the high price, high calorie, high sugar, high fa ones. To be expected really. But if you find a cheap variety that just suits you, then great.
I am particularly partial to the ones with a layer of icing instead of a pastry lid - fortunately for my waistline they seem rather thin on the ground this year ... so far :)
I also buy their mincemeat, Togo....and doctor it.....extra fruit and booze and let it soak for a day or two.....
Added Peach Liqueur last time......quite a kick!
Asda extra special mincemeat is yum. A jar makes about two dozen mince pies - if you are no good with pastry, buy ready made, it will still be better and chèaper than buying ready made ones
M&S do apricots in Amaretto syrup. I keep the syrup and use that gness. The apricots are a bit pricey but..... Trifles and flans with crème patissiere love them.