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Wireless configuration

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Ads | 20:00 Thu 19th May 2005 | Technology
2 Answers

I've posted on this before, but I've tried all the suggested remedies and I've still got nowhere.

I've spoken to Medion, Windows and Dell, and none of them can help.

Whenever I try to go online via my wireless internet router, I have to click on Change Advanced Settings, then select the Wireless Network tab, and then tick the box that says something like Use Windows to Configure My Wireless Network Settings.

It all then works OK, but the next time I want to browse the internet, I have to go through the whole process again - it doesn't save the preferences.

Dell and Windows both say the preferences should be saved, but they can't explain why they are not.



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I had this exact problem when I set my network up. I know this answer isn't much help, but it just went away after a while and never came back. Good luck.
I had a similar problem, but only when I tried to use WEP on the router.  Wihtout WEP there is no problem at all.  Bu then you need to protect your computer a different way from any prying eyes!

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Wireless configuration

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