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alexuk07 | 21:08 Mon 16th Jul 2007 | Law
14 Answers
Hello, last week i was caught by the police because of doing shoplifting (�8.98)... they took me to the police station under arrest, did dna tests, drug test, photo, fingerprints... They gave me a copy of a record of caution, because i admitted the offence... I was wondering if now I have a police record in England? Im not English Im italian, Do they share it with the EU? Next week I will travel to Denmark and Im worried about being stopped by the police because of this and wont being able to enter again to england,,,, I know what i did was totally wrong, but i didnt kill anyone, Is what I did too serious that now i cant enter england any more?


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Yes you have a police record in England. I doubt it is shared with the EU.

hopefully they wont let you back in. We have enough thieves of our own without letting any more into the country.
a police record but not a criminal record.
jno is correct, but it is a very confusing area.

You will not be logged with the CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) but you will be logged with the PNC (Police National Computer).

When the police, port authorities, customs etc do a CRB check they go through the PNC which will show a record where your details and that of the offence will be fully logged. Other private companies, such as work checks will only use the CRB, where you will not be known.

But to answer your last point YES IT IS SERIOUS!!!. You are a thief. You could have received 7 years in gaol (in theory). You stole which puts the prices up for every decent person in the UK, not to mention wasting hours of the police time and incrasing shop insurance.

I suggest England do not want you if that is how you respect our country!!!! Stay away you thieving Italian chav.
in my book everyone gets a second chance. But don't do it again.
The first time they were caught jno, I an certain not the first offence.
We have child killers, bank robbers, rapists, sex offenders etc., and you Hawkwalk think that alex who has stolen �8.98 worth of goods should be banned fron all of Europe?

I have a question for you Hawkwalk, have you considered psychiatric counselling?
Lovejoy - at what point did I say they should be banned from all of Europe. Learn to read before posting such stupid comments and try growing up - I assume you are just a child so wont be too hard on you.

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Please Im really worried about what happened,,, I still cant understand why i did it... Im not asking for people to jugde me, the police have already done that... I just want some help, of anyone that can answer seriously without trying to make me feel worse than I do now. I understand that I have a police record now... But Will I have any problems for entering in England again If I leave now to travel Thanks
Alex I will judge you because YOU ARE A THIEF.

However, yes you can enter the UK again with no restrictions whatsoever, not even a declaration.
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Ok judge me... but Im not a terrorist, Im not a killer, I just have a stupid friend that told me, dont worry they wont notice, take it, dont pay... of course it's my fault because I took it... but dont be wrong, Im a normal person that had a veryyy bad day and did everything wrong....
it wasn't your friend that was stupid, alex. But the police have judged you and decided that it's not worth having a real judge finish the job. Next time don't listen to friends.
Yes but you knew it was wrong and still did it. Typically, you are trying to blame someone else. Your only regret is getting caught. If you are really feeling that bad, you would be feeling that even if you had not been caught. I doubt that you would have.
next time steal something worth a bit more, like a caravan, or a skip or a swimming pool etc etc
what type of visa are you holding? pls dont feel about ypurself.I syphatise with you because I did the same and it doesnt mean that because you did you are avery bad person. I was caught for shoplifting and given acaution by the police as it was my first offense.I feel really bad about it and I cannot discuss it with friend and even to my husband as I am very embarrased. Call the narco helpline on the crb helpline.they are very good and they can perhaps advise you on what to do..

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