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What would you do?

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TWR | 20:04 Sat 27th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
3 Of now dirty, filthy, disgusting scum of the earth pedos just been sentenced, one victim 5years old, what sentence would you give these bsds?


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Death by starvation or overdosing on paracetamol, that;s painful. They might do it for themselves if we're lucky. I'm not joking either.
Hung drawn and quartered.
i would hang the b***ards...and i would volunteer to pull the lever...oh dear the rope is too short and it has decapitated them...silly me...they deserve no less...
TWR, by your aggressive tone, it sounds as if you want something nasty to happen to them.
certainly castration. They will however have to have protection in jail.
Castration or worse.
hopefully they will receive what they deserve once they are inside no doubt they come from underpriviledged backgrounds or some such crap will be said to justify there depraved actions and we will be the ones paying to keep them, perhaps the mothers and fathers of these children should be the ones to " pull the lever "
All the above and then some.
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Are you prepaired to give these scum Praise innovation? I wonder! do you have children? are these b@stards Human? if you say they are mental you are far from it.
TWR, at the present time they're a bit disturbed. I'm sure with the right medical help, they can become decent citizens again.

We should never give up on anyone!
Hang them and be done with it.
Hark Newsdesk ^^

I would put them into solitary for the rest of their living days and let them go slowly mad.
Lets face it -any other form of punishment doesnt work ....Harold Shipman,Fred West.Huntley on several occasions all took the easy option or tried to so youre giving them what they want -doesnt make sense to me?

Solitary all the way -slowly going mad sitting in their own faeces -yip that'll do me.
I don't believe in the death sentence...but castration sounds a good idea. I don't think paedophiles can be taught the error of their ways.
There was a documentary on a while back that focused on a unit in the States specifically for paedophiles who had served their sentences,but were not deemed safe to release....most seemed unable to change.It is becoming apparent that in some cases there is a predisposition to offend in this way.

Lock 'em up and throw away the key.....preferably on a desert island.
Innovation, are you a priest or a vicar because you sound too good.

I don't disagree with you but decapitation occurs if the rope is too long. Too short is strangulation.
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Innovation, for your information I have worked within the areas of these people, they are not as stupid as what you think they are, they are very cunning & know the system, In my employment we do not give up on people, but these I dare not say it, would you condone the filth of these to sexually RIP APART a child? & that is what these b@stards do live in a real world Innovation.
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Castration without anaesthetic. Then leave them in solitary.
Let's think of a variety of cruel and unusual punishments to express our piaety and righteousness.
They should go to jail, for as long as is necessary, which should be a very very long time, castration should really be a condition for parole.
I'm not opposed to the death penalty, I can see every reason why it could apply here, I wouldn't bother with all the flim flam though, just do it and be done with.

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