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Where does an atheist go?

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saxy_jag | 14:08 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
52 Answers
If an atheist dies and discovers that, after all, there is a heaven and a hell, and if the only thing he's ever done wrong is not believe in God (if indeed non-belief is a sin), where does he end up?

Also, would it matter whether he was someone who had just never known about God (therefore couldn't have believed in it), or was someone who had been told about God and rejected the idea?


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lol @ waldo :-)
I would surely go to hell, well I cant play a harp!!!

I'm sure I have said enough on this site to try to persuade people to turn their backs on this ridiculous notion of God and also sure I have not succeeded, but I tried to spread the good word of Atheism.

One of the nicest things about atheism is not having to actually give a flying damn about heaven or hell as it such a nonsense that it really is not really worth the time thinking about.

When I die, I'm dead, end of!! I find that a very comfortable feeling.

When it comes down to it, if there is a hell, I'm sure it is empty! I have not yet met a so called true christian that isn't also a hypocrite.

Mother Theresa should go and rot in hell for all the suffering she has caused through condemning the use of condoms as she watched millions of people dye of aids!!
Yes I know I get carried away. but come on!!!!!!!!
oooops!!! When it comes down to it, if there is a HEAVEN, I'm sure it is empty! I have not yet met a so called true christian that isn't also a hypocrite.
But that's not evil's ignorant. In her with many of various churches, there was no aids...

You know one of the best lines I've ever heard regarding sex and the Catholic Church.

Irish men learn how to shag by watching cows......

Times have moved on...
But ummmmmm, aids has been around since the early 80's and condoms much longer, im sure she would have been kept informed of the current situation whilst she was lecturing to the uninformed!
Like I said...ignorance. Some people become so deluded they would actually think it's a punishment from God.
OK this confuses me, I know not hard.

We base our religions on many texts and every religion believes differently. I have no idea how many religions (and sub strata) there are but let my theorise that there are 50 religions only one can be correct so therefore given "conventional" thinking, the followers of the other 49 as well as atheists will be cast down is this correct?

However if one approaches it from a different angle, that there is a god but every religion is simply a man made conceit and that logic dictates that if you cannot choose one, you don’t choose, this is therefore the correct decision. So the only people in heaven, should it exist, will be the atheists, because all the theists make god’s judgements on earth were as the atheist didn’t. Simples (I think not)
I actually think the idea that an individual will be afforded special treatment is an incredibly arrogant one. We often read terribly spiteful and vitriolic words here emanating from those who espouse religion - I read one such post (in another section) only yesterday - so although they are taught that they are morally superior to the non-believer, they're not, otherwise they wouldn't intentionally endeavour to hurt others. Imagine being forced to spend eternity with such people! No thanks!
Before my Mum became born again (I think I was about 13) she taught me never to judge.

I've never asked her opinion since..!
And does she judge now, Ummmm?
I'll meet up with you Naomi wherever it is we will go and we'll have a few good laughs down the local!! Something to look forward to.

But seriously, I'm somewhat like Ratter, I am quite content to think that when I am dead I am gone and there is something comfortable about that. Hopefully, I will live on in my offspring, and then in their offspring and so on and so on and my spent body will replenish a small piece of the earth so I might benefit a few trees, etc. as well.
Climb aboard Lottie - and bring some crisps will you? :o)
I can't work out whether I am an atheist or an agnostic though. I certainly don't believe in a 'god', but I think there is 'something' beyond our understanding.
I think so Naomi. I don't really see her much anymore but my youngest son stays with her one night a week. The odd things he comes out with (quoting her) makes me believe she does. OH wants to stop him seeing her. Something which I am totally against. He is at an age where he will make his own mind up.

She still does has a certain about of 'old Mum' about her. She's great with kids....but he'll slowly get bored of watching the God channel and not being able to watch anything above a PG...
Ummmm, I'm not surprised. I recall a sanctimonious Born Again wringing her hands and telling me sadly that because her parents were not Born Again, they wouldn't be going to heaven. Such arrogance!! How the hell would she know?!!

Incidentally, she also told all my younger members of staff the same - and I returned from lunch that day to find them in floods of tears, and the office in complete chaos! I won't tell you what I said, but suffice to say she wasn't around for much longer. ;o)

Lottie, we've discussed that dilemma on here before, and we concluded that if you don't believe in the God of Abraham (he of the bible and the Koran) then it's generally accepted that you are an atheist. I think there's a lot that's beyond our current understanding, but my real problem with the Abrahamic faiths is that if there is a God, they're awarding the wrong bloke the accolade.
Thanks Naomi. I am an Atheist then.
Again, welcome aboard. :o)
If you think really think deeply about this, you will, I am sure, realise that the whole concept of religion is to remove the fear of death.For thousands of years armies have been motivated by leaders who sell the idea that if soldiers die in battle they will continue to live on a much higher plane. It still works with suicide bombers and the like.
The truth of the matter must be that everything is finite. Does anyone believe that trees and plants, or for that matter, dogs, cats and cows, all pass on to a better place!
When you die old mate, you die. We all do. Do you think that we will go to separate heavens - Muslims to one, sikhs to another, christians to another. Lizards and tortoises to another?
I have read lots of extracts from various "sacred" books, and they all seem to offer the most incredible rewards to those who die for the cause.Strangely none offers a shred of evidence to support the case. But the leaders seem to lead lives of extreme opulence and power. All you have to do is what they tell you, (Oh and keep forking out the dosh!) .

Tell me, Saxy_jag, how much do you recall of the time before you were born? Nothing, of course. That was the heaven before you were existed! And..that's where you'll go when you fall off your perch.

Just enjoy life. Don't give it up without good reason, you won't get another one. Look after your kids - and their kids, if you're lucky! Help folks who are in trouble.

Have a good life!!.
If we are to believe the general ecclesiastical teachings we can eat, drink, be merry and participate in debauchery to our heart delight and only be sorry when the end is neigh, be forgiven for our sins and go to that place upthere anyway, so why not enjoy yourself while you can? Life is too short as it is.

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