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Atheist Confusion?

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Theland | 15:46 Sun 23rd Aug 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
174 Answers
Its about time the AB atheists had a big fat believer to sink their teeth into, and tear to shreds, all red in tooth and claw.
Like fox hunting, it is an acceptable blood sport :-)

So, Richard Dawkins has stated that the universe is simply blind indifference, (paraphrased), that we simply dance to the demands of our DNA.

Yet he has said that science has put men on the moon, yet evil religion flies planes into towers.

Do you see the inconsistency?

This raises questions about morality, and maybe, just maybe, we could discuss it without spilling too much blood, burning too many martyrs, or sending hate mail?
(But just in case I shall be wearing full body armour and a crash helmet :-)


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Its up to us whether or not we meet Jesus as Saviour or Judge.
Theland, more declarations - tantamount to threats - without an iota to justify them. If you want to spend your life shaking in your boots do it - but your preaching has the potential to worry the naïve and the vulnerable and you have no right whatsoever to do that to anyone.
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Its not my declaration, it is biblical.
Every church that tells the truth teaches this.
Question Author
Ask your vicar.
No church tells the truth. You - and they - may believe it but that doesn't make it true. Keep your doom-mongering to yourself.
Theland - // No, God controls everything and would never allow a casual researcher to take a short cut through His plans. //

Once again you presume to speak as though you know what God's plans are.

Either he is taking you into his confidence, or you are assuming a whole lot of responsibility presuming to speak for him.

Care to enlighten us which it is - and please don't slide around this by ignoring it like you did that last time I asked you this same question.
I think we need a new section called Squabblebank.
piggy - // I think we need a new section called Squabblebank. //

No-one 'squabbles' with the fervent Christians on here, they just rail against the constant evasion, preaching, patronising, sniping, doom-mongering, and general unpleasantness that trying to debate with them brings.
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I'm not getting unpleasant, no need to.
I have said nothing other than what the message of the scriptures is.
That is available to you too.
//I have said nothing other than what the message of the scriptures is. //

What makes you think you have the right to worry people, Theland, especially bearing in mind that your version differs from Goodlife's JW version ....and from the Roman Catholic version.... etc., etc? A variety of versions - but all nasty nonetheless.
Theland - // I have said nothing other than what the message of the scriptures is. //

Actually, that's not true, for the second occasion you have presumed to speak for God and know what his plan is - are you either going to confirm that you are in God's confidence, or that you are straying seriously far above your pay grade - because it's one or the other.
To answer the question in the OP ...

> Do you see the inconsistency?

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Andy, Gods secret hidden for centuries is finally revealed in Jesus Christ.
Yes every Christian is in the confidence of God, and yes I can speak for Him, in fact it is my city to do so.
The scriptures are available to you too if you care to investigate them yourself.
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Naomi, your post at 15:24 simp!y illustrates your lack of knowledge.
A simple comparison of the scriptures to the outfits you mention would reveal that.
Theland, you're not telling me anything I don't know. Once again you're just brushing over difficult to answer questions in that enigmatic manner you're so fond of. It fools no one.
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At 17:35 error - city should read duty
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Naomi @18:02 then why are you asking silly questions if you know it all?
I didn't say I know it all. I asked why you think you have a right to upset anyone - and why you think your version is the right one.
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I don't have a right to upset anybody and don't try to.
If the snowflakes you refer to ever picked up a bible, and read and understood the message, or spoke to a bible believing preacher, they would find hope, not scaremongering.
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Is my version the right one?
Yes, the scriptures pure and simple, nothing added or taken away.

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