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Are You Benefiting Yourself?

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goodlife | 13:08 Sat 30th Apr 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
55 Answers
Millions of people today want to know how to overcome problems and enjoy happy lives. History is a record of the events of man’s past. There is more than one way of looking at such history, of course. On the one hand, it is said that those who refuse to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. On the other hand, many now assert that ‘history is no benefit.


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Nice piece Birdie, good luck getting a response to it though.
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That when Understanding come in, Jesus said “Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.” (Col 2:3) Yes unless a person exercises faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son, he cannot and will not grasp the real meaning of the Scriptures and see how God’s purposes are working out in harmony with what He has foretold.

How is understanding involved. It is the ability to see into a matter, to discern or grasp the connections between its parts and the whole.

This is true of facts about places that you mentioned in the Bible. For instance, most of us know where Egypt is, but to what extent do you understand the comment that Abraham went out of Egypt “to the Negeb,” later to Bethel, then to Hebron? Do you understand the relationship of those places?

But if did,you find comfort in the fact that Judgment Day is a loving arrangement that will bring great blessings to you and all of the human family—including those who have died.

Why would the manner in which Jesus spoke cause people to stumble? (1Cor:1:23)
You're really in top form today goodlife. Here you are babbling to nobodyin general and not doing your purpose in life any good.

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Wildwood@ True many people prided themselves and loath to listen to what they considered foolish babbling about Jesus by ignorant and unlearned your one more.
Are you benefiting yourself, goodlife? The answer to that is simple, stop playing with yourself.
/ many now assert that ‘history' is no benefit." /
we wouldn't be here but for history.
Thank you for your kind words goodlife. It is not unexpected to learn that your sense of humour has now completely abandoned you. You are so busy trying to justify your misgiven belief that you've lost all sense of reality. You have my sympathy.
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You know greatest form of giving is giving of yourself—your time, your attention, your sympathy, your understanding. You “treat others as you would like them to treat you.” (Matthew 7:12.
At the moment I am benefiting myself with a bacon sarnie
as long as it isn't a sausage mrs O !!! lol
muray, it will be a very long time before I eat a sausage again!
a smothering of broon couldn't even go close to wiping the brain ! lol...I shall snigger next time I see them in ASDA ! lol
My brain now cannot help comparing a raw sausage to a dead man's willie - cold, flaccid and pale.

Goodlife - apologies for digressing from your fascinating topic
Does anyone know if the sausages were purloined? If so, I hope they weren't returned to the meat counter when recovered.
EEK ! soz goody xx
mrs o, a raw sausage is infinitely more interesting then goodlife's incessant preaching.
Vulcan, I agree

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