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Bible Is An Unknown Book. Why Do So Few Understand It?

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goodlife | 09:44 Mon 20th Jan 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
73 Answers
No matter what you do, you are never going to be popular with everyone. People who enjoy ridiculing others will always do so. (Proverbs 18:24)


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No sorry James 2 23 is

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God

The Gk would have been Theou - not yahwh

Misleading and incomplete quote AGAIN GL -

I will have to look up the verb - kaleo / genomai
radically different call / become but neva mind

There are still one hundred million copies of the bible sold every year the world over. People are still hungering for the truth.
cupid04: //People are still hungering for the truth.//

So why on earth would they be buying a bible?
Jesus invited Judas to join the disciples because Judas was the loner. Jesus needed a catspaw to make all the arrangements so that Jesus was to die on exactly the Passover, in order to become The Lamb, and to fulfil the prophecies. It happens that almost every reference in the OT to a Lamb means a sacrifice. If Jesus had been taken by the High Priests any earlier or later, Jesus would never have become the Lamb, and would not have fulfilled the prohecies. The original Greek says, not "betray", but "hand over". Which proves to me that the Jesus of the Bible can only have been a suicidal religious fanatic, determined to become in himself the culmination of the OT prophecies. These days, people like that would be carefully looked after in special places by trained professionals.
Ratter, :o)
cupid I have 6 hardback bibles at home and they were all given to me by bible societies . My daughter told me her local school library was given 50 bibles every year enough for each new intake, and one society use to give every baptised infant a 2 book set of a bible and hymns. That is also one of the gifts suggested to God Parents by clerics as an appropriate present .
I think hungering for truth is a myth like the rest of religion.
cupid //In total, the United Bible Societies fellowship distributed more than 381 million Bibles and Scriptures last year, //
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I see here sill misunderstanding //Thou shalt not kill.! //

The phrase “Thou shalt not kill” sounds familiar to most people for that is how some popular Bibles render Exodus 20:13.

If you look up this text in many modern translations, like New world Translation you will likely find “You must not murder” or “You must not commit murder.

True Proverbs 26:4, 5 shows that answering him “according to his foolishness” in the sense of analyzing his contentions, exposing them as being ridiculous, and showing that his own arguments lead to entirely different conclusions from those he has drawn can be beneficial.

//I think hungering for truth is a myth like the rest of religion//

No, Jesus spoke well of those who are spiritually hungry, or who are “conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3) What a privilege it is to help such ones find the happiness that Jesus promised.

When is this time? It is called the “time of the end.” God told his prophet Daniel: “Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant.” (Dan. 12:4) we have been living in the “time of the end,” this set length of time also called the “last days, Now the prophetic visions penned by God’s prophets are being opened up to the understanding of the true followers of Jesus.

The psalmist says, concerning a really happy man, that “his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.” The results? Everything he does will succeed.................. Ps. 1:1-4.

atalanta @ Thanks,You can see Jesus did not deliberately chose a traitor, that unthinkable, but rather that as soon as Judas’ heart began going bad Jesus noticed it. In the same connection Jesus further said: “I chose you twelve, did I not? Yet one of you is a slanderer.” No doubt Judas got the force of those words even if the rest failed to do so.

The Bible deals with the lives of people—people like us. It shows life as it really is, with its joys and sorrows, its successes and mistakes.
It tells us how to avoid problems or to solve them, and how to have a real purpose in living.

When you get absorbed in its contents, you will find it—no, not difficult, but a thrilling explanation of how to “get a firm hold on the real life” that is in store for mankind.—1 Timothy 6:19.
GL //If you look up this text in many modern translations, like New world Translation you will likely find “You must not murder” or “You must not commit murder.//

So it's all right to kill somebody but not murder them !?
How would you describe God when he ordered Moses' tribe to stone a man to death for picking up sticks on the sabbath ? A killer or a muderer ?

Or Sodom and Gomorrah ? Mass killing or mass murder.?

It must bring great comfort to theists to know their God is a killer and not a muderer. Sleep well !
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modeller-So you're saying you believe these thing,now, but don't know why, that’s because you don't know the Bible, so simple for some.

Let say life of unborn child? Well, according to the Mosaic Law, causing the death of a baby in its mother’s womb was wrong. Yes, even such a life of a baby is precious to Jehovah. (Exodus 21:22, 23; Psalm 127:3)

Does that mean that abortion is wrong. Yes.

Life is precious to God but just as you don’t know your Bible otherwise you would know why these things happen.

So it is no use just picking out what you think – that is something that little children do!
Goodlife - So your god is against abortion and yet he had no qualms about killing all the first born of Egypt.
Sounds like a schizophrenic to me.
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The Biblical God is NOT pro-life, he advocates child murder, infanticide, child abuse and abortion.

A bit of cut and paste.
//life of a baby is precious to Jehovah. //

Precious ! but can be murdered /killed by your God . Tell me where in the bible it says killing /murdering by your God is justified.
Exodus 21:23 does say a life for a life . So whose life did the baby take that warranted it losing its own. ?
Well I've heard of Noah and his wife Joan of Ark....
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So I was rigth just picking out what you think – that is something that little children do!
Ooh, look everybody, goodlife has found a new expression.
\\that is something that little children do!//
GL You say the bible is the truth ! So do you agree your God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah including all the infants and the babies ?
Genesis 19: 24-25
24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land.

Its a simple question . Does it say that in the bible ? It doesn't require masses of copy and paste.
//Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah//

Chemical weapons. God would be hauled before the courts in The Hague.

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