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Should Gillian Gibbons have been charged with insulting Islam's prophet?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | Society & Culture
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By allowing her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad, Gillian Gibbons could face 40 lashes or a prison sentence in Sudan, having been charged with insulting Islam's Prophet. Should she have been charged with this offence?

  • No, this is ridiculous it was the class that named the teddy bear the teacher has committed no offence and should not be punished. - 787 votes
  • 76%
  • Personally, I don't see what the problem is. - 204 votes
  • 20%
  • Yes as she has shown no respect for the Islamic faith and should therefore face the consequences. - 41 votes
  • 4%

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Should Gillian Gibbons have been charged with insulting Islam's prophet?

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