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Theland | 02:46 Sat 21st Apr 2018 | Society & Culture
62 Answers
I have been outspoken about the undermining of our British culture, but I am thoroughly ashamed of this country for it betrayel of the Windrush generation, good loyal hard working citizens. Totally shameful. The name of the petty bureaucrats who made the discriminatory decisions should be published.
And this against the backdrop of mass Muslim immigration.
Talk about salt in wounds. Terrible.


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//Following the crackdown on immigration started in 2012, they were told they needed to prove their right to continue to work, benefit from the NHS or even remain in the country.//

I thought that was what I said, naomi. If they couldn't prove it, out they went. And many couldn't, because - having arrived here by invitation and subsequently been given the right to stay indefinitely - they had no paperwork. Civil servants had no say in the matter; border officials previously had discretion to decide someone was a legal migrant even if they didn't have the documents, but this was removed

The hostile environment was May's stated policy, and civil servants were deliberately prevented from doing anything to alleviate it. The blame is hers.
Zacs, I don’t see how saying that Civil Servants played Jobsworths is an unnecessary detail. It’s a fact. No one with an iota of sense would have interpreted that incentive to include the Windrush people. The whole thing is ludicrous.
Most of those that came to the UK had given up jobs and left family and friends in their home country to come and help the 'Motherland' in its hour of need.

Is that really the truth?
jno, no, you didn't say that. You said, //the policy required them to be deported at once without a chance to explain. //

... which simply isn't true.
they were out when they'd failed to produce the documentation. They were not given the opportunity to explain as border officials were not given the discretion to do anything about it. Please stop trying to blame civil servants for carrying out government policy.
//Is that really the truth? //

Having checked the "source", I would say no. Probably the exact opposite on past form.
Exactly jno, Naomi seems to be trying to defend the indefensible. The book stops with TM. She should resign over this.
Whose decision was it to destroy these landing cards?
Zacs-Master/jno, as I said, no one with an iota of sense would have interpreted that incentive to include the Windrush people…. and no one with an iota of sense would imagine that deporting the Windrush people was the intention of that initiative.
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Talbot @13:18

Yes, it is true
Believe it or not some saw it as a good thing to come over to help the motherland
naomi, the intention doesn't matter; actions do matter. May decided to create a hostile environment, and set up the procedures to achieve it without including safeguards to protect the innocent, and barred civil servants from doing anything about it except following it with blind obedience. Which they did. It's not their fault. It's May's.
jno, Mrs May "barred civil servants from doing anything about it except following it with blind obedience". Really? Do you have inside information or have you just thrown that in to suit your agenda?
Would be nice to have some proof, or is it just speculation?
did you read the link I provided abut border officials being barred from using their discretion? Border officials are civil servants.
Is jno suggesting that this is payback by the civil service after they have been reeled in? When it comes to a choice between letting civil servants use their "discretion", and the very real possibility of corrupt officials(we seem to have more of them after allowing our new and exciting additions access to sensitive positions) using their positions for private gain, and taking away the easily abused privilege I know what I prefer.
Togo, jno appears to believe that border officials have it within their remit to chase people who arrived here on ‘Windrush’ and crossed our borders 70 years ago. You couldn’t make it up – but she could. Nuff said.
Naomi, what do you think of Amber Rudd’s boast to the PM that she would give officials powers to ‘hunt down and deport thousands more illegal migrants’ and do you think this could have spilled over into Windrush cases?

/// Your ignorance and bigotry shine through in just about every comment you make. ///

I thought name calling was against Site Rules?

It is amazing how some can break Site Rules without their posts being removed, yet if I were to respond in a similar way, my post would be removed, post haste.

It would seem that the Mods are selective in their actions.
VERY few , if any of the Windrush migrants were Muslim . In any case no record of their religion would have been taken. So why are you bringing Muslims into a question that has nothing to do with them?

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