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What Would You Like To See Changed?

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ABSpareEditor | 16:15 Tue 13th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
268 Answers
What technical aspects of The AnswerBank would you like to see improved? How could we make the site better for you?


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Can the moderators have the facility to move posts to the correct categories please?

an edit button -then you can have a rethink on what you have written in haste, and it would also stop all the boring spelling mistake reposts.

and a 'like button' sometimes its hard to choose best answer and unfair if you have had lots of good advice.
The ability to underline & embolden, as for italics
1) as BOO has said let the Mods redirect the wayward posts. CB has become a dumping ground for odds and ***.
2) Maximum length of threads.......50 posts.
3) Ease up on the Moderators pulling of posts, letting local arguments and fights come to a conclusion at 50 posts.
Oh flip, I thought you said 'charged' there.
Couldn't people have their suspensions explained to them.
Last time I was suspended, I hadn't been involved in any 'contretemps' at all. I think you (someone) got the wrong person.
4) Just remembered......BEST ANSWER given only after 30 mins from OP.
Emoticoms? might save a lot of misunderstandings.
I hardly dare say but very much on the lines of Sqad's point 3.
Put Crosswords and Quizzes & Puzzles combined into their own Latest Posts section.
Or...further to mods being able to move posts... how about a "are you sure you want to post this in ChatterBank (for example)" button when you click the "submit" button?
echo Svek - don't understand these emoticons - so when one gives me one - I don't know whether it is a good one or an up yours one. LOL
worst case scenario for sqads 3rd point.

User A and user B having a spat on a thread, it auto stops at post 50....either of the 2 then make a new post to carry on the argument.
how about a "are you sure you want to post this'' in front of all posts.
I'd like to be able to report posts and questions without having to make a comment...maybe make people comment if they choose some categories, but spam is spam is spam.

I'd also like to see a post automatically removed for ed's assessment if say ten/fifteen DIFFERENT people report it. That would help in getting the spam off but shouldn't be open to misuse without a lot of effort.

emoticons would be nice, also bold and italics
Woofy if I don't think a comment's required I just do a question mark or an exclamation mark. It's enough to submit with.
How lazy Sqad...surely reading more than 50 posts is not that much effort :-)

I don't agree with the editing but it would be nice to have the preview that we used to have and also the list of 'has your question been asked before' in stead of related posts that we only see after.

Likewise svejk.As a fellow ABer would confirm. I e-mailed her and we were at a loss why I was suspended. I hadn't broken any Site Rules that time. If we are not told why then we cant know we may unwittingly do so again.It may also invite thoughts that abuse of authority is used.
I know Robi, i have taken to doing a full stop! but its silly
i would like to be able to go to the first new unread (by me) reply in a thread
I second Bednobs.

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