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~☆☆~ΨΨ~The Night Before Xmas~ΨΨ~☆☆~

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VINNY100_2 | 12:18 Wed 03rd Oct 2007 | Christmas
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☆~☆~☆~☆~~BIDDYS XMAS THREAD☆~☆~☆~☆~~~ please dont open till xmas..!! Ho Ho Ho


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forgot to light the fire>>>whoosh>>
yo (:O)
21:09 Thu 20th Dec 2007
neti my whirring friend, you are soooooo going to regret telling that to Vinny

wey heyyyyy Kit!! that's fantastic, well done you!...but if it's all the same to you I'll sit on the table. I've a feeling neti's knockers are gonna be invading us very soon...
kit that is wonderful - a brain amongst the biddies??So now you can be on here, morning, noon and night, that is great. Congrats.
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Ω {{{buz}}}} is that you netti bent over...?wat yer doing screens gone all ((fuzzy))...hehe...!(:O)ooh kip,im in your lap and Ive got me chopper in me hand..oh go on with it if you want...but dont crash it..!!!.hahahaha...!(:O)
Well I'm ready for a screw anytime!!!!
"Chopper", going to have to look that one up... ah yes I see! Oh okay Vinny, I'm game. Come to my lap, I've got one in my hand too now!

Never seen one of those globes Robinia, could you post a picture (sounds like such a great gift.) Thanks Neti I'll be able to help you with your crosswords now, ha ha ha you're so funny!

Haven't been too well. I'm coming down with a cold and my back is about twice my age and my father nearly died. He's not in my life anymore but it still feels strange to know he will be going pretty soon. He had a coronary - one of several previous ones - last Friday and was initially so ill that his "new" family were asked to discuss how they felt about resuscitation. He's stronger now but probably not out of the woods or at least not for long I don't think.

My half-sisters have been struggling with whether or not to change their travel plans. The youngest one has decided to postpone her trip to San Diego but the eldest one is probably leaving as planned for her two-year stay in Singapore with her husband and kids.

You did Singapore didn't you jno?

Nothing to do with Christmas, just thought I'd wow you. Remember the tune? (The title in Swedish isn't verbatim, it's Such is life.)
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Well Im Toasting all your healths tonight,I dont normally drink,but it tis the season...hic..!(:O)
Havent seen Woofy or Maggie about...!Hope Dollys okay.Shucks,thats a bummer doesent matter what you had in your life with your Father,its still going to be a strange time and lots of memories will come Flooding back.L;ife can be a sod sometimes but just put 2 fingers up and tell it to bu**er off.
Ay up Shaney,just read that Gins good fer could have told me before...rushes of to the Offey
Blimey Kip...Pssst..! you still got yer laptop in your lap and you left the webcam on....bloomin eck..! you could have put some thongs on...hehe..!
yo (((*_*)))
wow, Kit, you had an idea and you sold it - for money! I am deeply impressed. I am good at repetitive procedures that require a bit of knowledge and intelligence but I don't think in all my, er, 21 years I have ever had an actual brainwave, let alone one I could profit from. So well done you!
puts on knickers, bloomers, leggings, trousers and ski pants before switching laptop on

Good morning!!

Or... at least... good-very-much-earlier-than-ever-before. I need some new mascara, has anyone tried the new one from Body Shop? (Super Volume-something-something.)
Morning kit I just knew you'd be here! Cold is it up in Stockholm, it was jolly cold when we were there in August. Slightly chilly here, but nice.

Oh that reminds me Robi could you please restore Ibiza back to the med sea!

neti coming back from weekly shopping trip!
goodness yes, it does look as if there's been some precipitation in Ibiza nesiaL_468x312.jpg
Yes, jno I suppose to the rest of you the Foam Party seems decadent, but to us, it's just another event - I've been banned as the bazooms use up all the foam!
morning Kit??...
<thumbs furiously through Speak Biddy phrasebook>...
Nope, never used that one before. Is it some kind of uniform we have to don at daybreak?

oooooh, I seeeee.....
Good Morning Ms Sweden, 'tis an honour to have you here so early in the day. Sorry to hear things are tough but stick with us.
ahem! <points to head>...still got a curler in your hair mi dear....
It'll be lovely - no coughing students tapping their fingers & waiting for you to browse the you can look at all of those dodgy sites that you couldn't before, hahaha.
Please note you'll be expected to do the breakfast run & take a turn at being welcoming hostess

the puzzle

....and no neti, you can jolly well stay'll only be spouting how mild it is when we've got snow in a couple of weeks time (my prediction). Anyway it'll cool your ardour...screwing all over the place, tut. What with that & bouncing around on a Swede this place is fast becoming a den of iniquity.
Hey easy on old girl, I haven't got the batteries in yet, the little machine is still wrapped in that ghastly plasticky type stuff - twill take an age to rip it out, so any screwing that is needed will have to be done by hand, if you see what I mean!!!
Hi Just testing! Is everybody back on the old A.B. I can't get on to Beta so I hope this arrives ok. I've had a great Christmas hope you all have too.
Couldn't help but notice all the 'doubles entendres' or as I expect you'll all say it's my mind Lol!!.
Spoke to Maggie and she says she hasn't been on lately as she has been busy. She does have a big family.
I'm busy having a lazy day today!!! Should clean up but can't be bothered. I'll get round to it eventually wont I. I keep thinking it's Saturday and I never clean on a Saturday!!
I feel quite strange really It's the first time I haven't been at work around Christmas. I haven't known what day it is this week. Could have been the Bailey's I suppose!!
I have a friend coming to see me tomorrow who is into reflexology so I might get him to do me feet while he is here. What do you reckon has anybody had it done? I've heard it is relaxing. Anyway I'm off now see you soon.:o)

Er, biddies, do you think you could give me an electrical shock somehow when I stay online too long - I nearly didn't make it out before the shops closed...! It was 8 degrees and raining, Neti, no snow whatsoever but here's some cute snow just for you. Actually I don't think (although I'm not sure) that our climate is so much colder than Britain's, it's just that there's very little daylight at this time of year. But nights in June, it hardly gets dark at all. It's beautiful, my country at its best.

Thanks Robinia, I like that globe. I could use a jigsaw puzzle just to practise on my own neighbourhood, I'm the kind who gets lost going out for a newspaper. This is my part of town.

Jude, as a Dylan fan, have you ever been listening to John Jacob Niles? haunting! / Haven't had reflexology done but am looking forward to reading your report.

Long time no Shaney - oh here she comes. (Hope "the flattening" went well, Shaney.)
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its windy, raining, thunder and lighting and hail.Apart from that its quite a nice day...(:O)
catch you later if I can shift me son of my putta..>>>>>>>whoosh>>>
what a night! it was wild - looked & sounded like a monsoon...still very windy & bitterly cold. What a lovely place Kit...towns are starting to look more inviting as I get older & more least I could watch everyone else having a life.
I need a map to navigate my own house at the moment, I seem to have lost all co-ordination. Last night I tripped with a glass of water going to went everywhere! I was carrying an open handbag & everything in it was soaked including the cordless phone. It's still working but half the display is you think it will recover?
This morning I tripped getting out of the shower which is over the bath, shot forward & cracked my knee real hard on the basin which has jarred my back & you think I will recover? oh booger it...
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You poor sod robinia.I hope you recover.Erm...I think you need a Carer...! netti would be ideal...she's good around the home...(:O)
ok Kit... you can get off your computer now... <waves cattle prod in general direction of Arctic Circle>

...goodness, I've heard of multitasking but going to bed while carrying a glass of... er, 'water'... AND a handbag all at the same time, that does sound a bit much.
do I detect a touch of sarcasm there Vincent? <thwack!!>
hehe...I did sound sorry for myself, but I'm a bit better fact the thought of neti being my carer has worked like a miracle. jno I'm like the Queen, I carry a handbag over my arm at all times...and there's no money in it, just a spare tiara.

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