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Does anyone here believe in God?

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Cloned | 22:40 Fri 15th Apr 2005 | Science
59 Answers
I was just reading "How quick is evolution?" question when Bob a job said "toby19 i hope your joking,this is the science section." So does anyone believe or is everyone here atheist? Discuss. Sorry i'm bored and gonna watch derren brown anyway.


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God does or did exist but not in the form that we too often
think of:
if you read the bible (genesis) carefully u will note 2 things
 1) god made man in his IMAGE. image refers to physical
appearance and therefore god is a man like us with
probably the same desires.
2) the description of the creation of man is no more than a
simple description of human cloning.
we forget many things when reading the bible like modem
technology was not known to the people that wrote it and
that is how they explained it as a miracle and the definition
of miracle is something without scientific explanation well in
those day science was almost non existent.
evidently the beings (yes it says WE will make man in OUR
image) that created us have left long ago but their memory
is still with us in the bible and some other religious
scriptures and our subconscious. that in my opinion is the
basis of god but our imagination and NEED for a superiority
to took to and to answer the unexplainable has created a
non existent myth .
i do not know if god is still alive or his race is if we are created
in his image then it is possible that like we are doing he has
destroyed himself if he were to return today he would not
receive the warm welcome that he would of 2000 years ago"

i do believe in life on other planets as there is no scientific
reason why the necessary circumstances that created life
here should not exist else where.

this is the reason for all the religions and they r all wrong.

unfortunately man is too foolish and full of pride to admit
that he was created as a scientific experiment by a being just
like himself or similar ( some experiments do go wrong)

sorry to whack the believers like this but it is better to know
the truth than to be disappointed when a natural disaster happens and god don�t show up to save us, even he/she can�t do that

maybe all these bad things were a choice between two evils? whole planet explode and what may be the only life in the universe end... or one million people starve to death? tough break kids but if i were god, i know which i'd pick and i'm guessing you would too. life's not fair.

i like the point made earlier about atheist saying we don't "believe" in god rather than there is no god - i personally use 'believe' because i know how confrontational "there is no god" sounds, and how it invariably gets a poor reception from theists. but on the other hand, by definition "faith" and "belief" are devoid of fact, so perhaps those of you who "believe" in a god initiated this?

lol i love the way that when you challenge a theist on any of their points they just...disappear
Slimfandango, I haven't seen a challenge from you, however the one from Thunderchild is daunting...

Unless, of course, you refer to your question that asks, "couldn't it just happen"... No scientist that I've studied ever contends that something comes from nothing just because...

A term I've seen explained is called Quantum Shift...I suppose you could just say shift happens... (sorry)...



jake the peg correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't matter or particles pop out of nowhere all the time, without cause?

2. we are all beings of this universe and our science says things about this universe and how it works and applies this to other situations. How can anything we see or observe, cause or effect, relationships, laws, anything, be applied to an event that took place outwith our universe? 'Things only happen with a cause'. In this universe maybe. But how can we apply this to things outwith our universe. Maybe our universe just is.

Let me try to help you here, slimfandango.  I quote from British astrophysicist Paul Davies in his book God and the New Physics. Davies locks all cause-and-effect phenomena into the time dimension of the universe. Because the act of creating represents cause and effect, and thus a time-bound activity, the evidence for the origin of time, says Davies, argues against God's agency in the creation of the universe.

Apparently, Davies is (or was) unaware that the Bible speaks of God's causing effects even before the beginning of time. The Bible also speaks of the existence of dimensions beyond our time and space, extra dimensions in which God exists and operates. Such extra dimensions are now verified by scientific discoveries.

Noting that virtual particles can pop into existence from nothingness through quantum tunneling, Davies employs the new grand unified theories to suggest that in the same manner the whole universe popped into existence. Ironically, his argument against God's creating can now be turned against his hypothesis. Quantum mechanics is founded on the concept that quantum events occur according to finite probabilities within finite time intervals. The larger the time interval, the greater the probability that a quantum event will occur. Outside of time, however, no quantum event is possible. Therefore, the origin of time (coincident with that of space, matter, and energy) eliminates quantum tunneling as "creator."



To Davies' credit, he has been revising his position. He recently argued that thelaws of physics "seem themselves to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design." Still more recently he posed this question: "If new organizational levels just pop into existence for no reason, why do we see such an orderly progression in the universe from featureless origin to rich diversity?" He concludes that we have "powerful evidence that there is 'something going on' behind it all."

One of the most elegant vacuum fluctuation models was published in 1984 when Steven Hawking teamed up with American physicist James Hartle. Their notion is that just as a hydrogen atom can be described by a quantum mechanical wave function, so can the universe be described. Thus, the singularity disappears, and yet the entire universe still pops into existence at the beginning of time.  However, Hawking reformulated his escape from the singularity:
If the universe really is in such a quantum state, there would be no singularities in the history of the universe in imaginary time. .. .The universe could be finite in imaginary time but without boundaries or singularities. When one goes back to the real time in which we live, however, there will still appear to be singularities. ... Only if we lived in imaginary time would we encounter no singularities.... in real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down.

In other words, God, who according to the Bible transcends "real time," would not be confined to boundaries and singularities, but human beings and the physical universe, both of which are limited to real time, would be so confined. (I quote liberally from several sources including Dr. Henry F. Schaefer's Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang and God)...

Heres a theory that could blow your mind.

'in a pre-existing universe there would be no concept of time, therefore the cause could actually be the effect. The fact that matter bends spacetime, maybe the existance of the universe as we know it was the cause of the big bang itself.'

yeah, that is currently blowing my mind.

Clanad, articulate answer as always, I'll need to think about that for a bit.

Why do married couples argue so much? The arguments caused  them to get married. woooooooo...

'I was working on a flat tax proposal and I accidentally proved there's no God' 

Homer Simpson


Lmfao@'gods' posting. That made me spit my tea!!

Seriously though, I don't believe in god, in fact I find the idea of a 'supreme being' that allows so much hurt and suffering, abhorent. It is nothing more than a man made concept to dispel fears of what happens when we die, and to have someone to take responsibilty for things that happen, rather than us getting off our stupid butts and doing more for our fellow man.

No I don't. I think the power is within, and can be accessed by chanting Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo. If you want to know more you can ring Taplow Court nr Maidenhead, the home of SGI-UK. We are encouraged to have respect for all, to work for peace in the way that is right for us and to create value in the environment where we live. no control within our organisation.
Lmao@having to chant to access it. -Rolls eyes-

hey, i believe in God!!

i don't believe in all the evolution stuff. seriously, how could we come from monkeys????!

By being intelligent!!!!!!!!!
God exist weather you like it or not. You will find out one day and will burn eternaly unless you believe. And remember... I is smarterer tham ya'll, u dumbasses!
God exists... PERIOD!
I'm not the smartest person ever and i realize that when 99.9% of the people on here read this they will laugh but i know their is a God. he resides within your heart when you accept him and repent of your sins. i am not trying to force my savior upon you only attempting to expose you to the truest thing you will ever know or experience. you have to have faith, i hate to say it but if you never accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, you will not go to heaven, you will not be reborn as something else, and you will not cease to exist; you will find yourself in a horrible place called hell. i know it sounds harsh, but if you deny god you are condemning yourself. If you are not a christian and you read this, you choose to discard any info about god you ever knew and you never accept him; i believe when you are condemned to hell this exact moment will be remembered when you had ample oppurtunity to accept jesus christ but you ignored it. If you have any questions about this please ask.

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