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KM Links Game - October week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 06:47 Mon 13th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Well, I know it's still early, but I'm here with pencil poised, ready to spring into action whenever this morning's matches are posted and I can get busy with my sums.


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Good morning seekeerz.
Todays links seem to be..

GREEN Iguana
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Thanks, slaney - no points for me, for a start !!!
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Ummm, errrr, that was the week that wasn't - that's the best way I can describe it - pity we can't do it all over again with hindsight !!!

I know a particular person who will be kicking themselves when it comes to Edge Tool - never mind, worse things happen at sea or so they tell me !!!

Mrs E was quickly off the mark with a double whammy - bonus points for both Green Iguana and Nail File, then slaney picked up the third bonus pointer with Thumb Index and good old Edge Tool's bonus points went begging.

Actually, I'm beginning to suspect that Kate and ulysses100 might well be ganging up on us - the last two weeks have been very thin on the ground, points wise.
Is there a conspiracy ???

The 'good guess' department didn't fair too well either, with Dizzy Lizzie, wickedtongue & Stevie collecting two points each while london_lassy, patchett, Chiefpanda, paulineward, JRB, Eiggam, Elspeth, jobjockey, Bustybun, Big Mac, Aquagility, twix123 & gen2 all scored a point each while the remainder of us sit and gnash our teeth !!!

Quickly looking at the Leader Board I can see one strong move -

Mrs E has shot to the lead with 6 points

however I will retire to the accounting room, array myself in my smoking jacket and light the peace pipe and do my sums !!! - and probably set the house on fire so should I not return later, you'll all know what's happened !!! S
Question Author
Fortunately there were no disasters while adding up the scores so I have returned to update the Leader Board as promised and at the half way mark of the month we have -

6 points - Mrs E
4 points - freebi2
3 points - slaney & wickedtongue
2 points - 14 entrants
1 points - a further 19 entrants

Congratulations to all of the above and continue the good work next weekend.........till then I'm off to my boudoir, to boud !!!!!
Thanks Steff for the scoreboard, although my name is once again conspicuous by its' absence, and thanks for the links slaney.

Just one observation ... who is this mysterious Bustybun??? I await developments !! :O)
Whoops ... forgot to say ~ well done Mrs E for shooting to the top of the leader board.
Not really kicking myself .It is my own fault for being careless.Thanks for all your hard work on Saturdays.I shall probably be missing next week(not sore with kicking) but heading "home " to Dundee for a class re-union.Regards Lysander
Total blank again for me !!
Eeeek!! I bl**dy wish!!!! but thanks Steff for enlarging my persona!! Sadly, sarumite, it is far too late for me to await developments!!! At least I got a point - and if I hadn't I wouldn't have had the laugh! D (or B - whatever!) :0)
Nothing doing for me this week.....nothing new there.
Well done Mrs E.
Thanks to seekeerz and slaney.
Yes!!!! A whole point.

Well done to all those who scored and thanks to seekeerz and slaney.
Thanks Steff.
An advance to two whole points, whatever next!
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Profound apologies Dustybun and trust you to pick it up sarumite - I did try to tell everyone my typing is nearly as dyslexic as my adding up !!!

Mind you, Dusty - I could see me getting into all sorts of trouble with your nom de plume.

NB to self - proof reading essential !!!
with all the work you do for us Steff I would forgive you anything - well almost! I shall keep my eye open for the next up-slip although I have to say you are not the only one. My favourite so far was Fustynun! :0)

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KM Links Game - October week 2 Results

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