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Can we survive?

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anotheoldgit | 16:04 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | News
61 Answers

Just when you thought how are we going to manage with all the cuts, your Government is dishing out another £37m of your money to aid overseas farmers on climate change.

When are we to receive any money from overseas, to aid the changes in this country, climate or otherwise?

Scuba rice eh?, which apparently can survive underwater for two weeks, I don't know how long we can survive, but I do know we are sinking fast.


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I'll leave you and aog to it.
Tiger lily

The only chip I have on my shoulder is for the lazy and feckless....and lazy feckless people don't deserve respect because they've pass the age if retirement. In fact they deserve even more criticism for being a drain n society and not putting anything away for rainy day.

You could be a dustman, a cleaning lady or a traffic warden - the amount your earn is not the issue....the issue is that some people simply won't putANY of their earnings away. Perhaps because they're a bit thick.

So tell me - why do Brits leave their loved ones in care homes?

Why don't they welcome them into the bosom of heir families?

Any ideas why this social change happened over the past 50 years?
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You're SO right. If we treated our elderly the way they do in some countries, they wouldn't have to worry about their heating bills. Every year we hear stories about old people who have to choose between heating their tiny flats or eating, whilst their kids sit in warm homes, paying on their X Boxes, stuffing themselves and occasionally phoning their parents when guilt takes over.

Shush - adults talking.
sp: Elderley are not accepted in care homes unless they're in need of 24h qualified nursing - not all of us are qualified carers.

The elderley paved the roads, built the buildings, created the infrastructure you earn your crust on. Could you get the free education/health care in another country that you've existed on in UK? Only you know why you live in a place you abhor and such hatred can only undermine your own health.
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Jaydah...yes they are accepted. Especially if they can afford it.

Yes, and now they're leeching off my hard earned money. Don't get me wrong - I'm happy to help those who cannot help themselves, but that doesn't mean that all pensioners should receive handouts.

Get them means tested and do it now.

Sorry for the misspelling (Spellcheck gremlins).

Why don't Brits take their elderly relatives in?
sp. so long as means testing is on free education & health care. Means testing all round will happen as the source funds dry up with too many seeking succour from off-shore countries.
I would....

Not feasible with my Nan as she has dementia.
Nah - international development and aid should be ring fenced.

Your nan needs specialist care. My issue is where you have perfectly capable elderly people who are just left to their own devices. Yes, some of them would feel like a burden to their families, but they shouldn't. Families should make it clear that it would be an HONOUR to take them in...not a burden.

This is how the elderly are seems around the world....
And let me make this clear - those who fought in the second world war (and hose who kept the country going whilst the men fought) deserve respect.

However those numbers are getting smaller and smaller...remember the war ended 65 years ago.

The vast number of elderly pensioners now, have done nothing to deserve special treatment. All they've done, is grow old.
I totally agree with you. There is no way that I would put any of my relatives in a home unless they needed specialist care.

My Grandad, because he doesn't want to go into a home, has my cousin living with him. He pays for carers to come in twice a day for his hygiene routine. Other than that his care is down to us as a family.

He pays for my Nans care out of his own pocket....
Elderly today were once the parents of kids who have fled the nest, the kids in turn harbour their parents till ailments part them and their elderly need full time caring.

No they don't.

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