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3 hour old baby found under a hedge

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Eve | 17:02 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | News
47 Answers
Poor little thing, hope she's ok after this weather and wasn't there for too long, does anyone know?


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Although caring, you also sound very smug AOG!

Being a Mother of two daughters, I could never have done such a thing - but, & a very big but, this girl/woman must have been in a terrible mental & emotional state to have 'discarded' her new born baby in such a way.

I'm sure that once she receives the professional help she needs, things will hopefully improve for her & her baby.

Let's just see.....

....and no, I don't think she should be 'charged with attempted murder' AOG - she needs professional & medical help!
she needs professional & medical help!,

So anyone who finds the thought of bringing a child into the world a little daunting, can perhaps just dump it, without charge?

What about rapists, pedophiles, mass murders or even child killers, do you think these need professional & medical help also!

What are your thoughts on mercy killings?

What about animal cruelty?

Perhaps we should get rid of all our jails, and build more psychiatric hospitals?

Perhaps they all need professional & medical help, eh!smudge?
Oh, get off your soap box AOG!

AS I SAID, I couldn't do such a terrible thing, BUT, until you know the full story, don't be so quick to JUDGE!

Maybe if you were a woman & had given birth, you may have suffered post natal depression - what then?

Yes, you'd obviously need professional & medical help as this girl/woman may/does.
Bit of a harsh judgement on a young girl .Sixteen years old .
She must have been terrified to do such a thing in the first place .And you think she should be charged with attempted murder ? If she had just dumped the baby to be rid of it she would not have come forward .
Have a bit of compassion please .She needs help not condemnation.
At sixteen and in that situation her hormones must be all over the place .
Nobody knows her personal circumstances and I think you are very cruel to condemn her before you know the full facts .

You just can't get through to people sometimes Pentalpha, them being the professionals on just about everything!

If this young girl didn't have any feelings for her baby, she would have put her in a plastic carrier bag, tied it up & dumped her in a bin - but she didn't, she wrapped her up to keep her warm, obviously hoping someone would find her.
AOG you do sound very smug, and quick to hand out condemnation. Have you never made a serious mistake, or been terrified. Well I hope not. But it would be good to see a bit of compassion from you for a change.
So quick to judge without knowing the facts AOG. None of us, even you, don't know how we would act in times of real stress or desperation. For all we know this poor child (the baby's mother) might be in real need of care and protection herself, she might even have learning difficulties, or other problems. We don't know - we are not in a position to comment.
Cat got your tongue AOG, or are you having a heartfelt rethink - I sincerely hope so....
Oh Im glad the mum has turned up. I said to my hubby it was probably a teenaged girl frightened and maybe alone.I just wish she would have taken the baby to a warmer place,even a pub toilet! I wonder where she gave birth?
Even if she was alone when she gave birth, I would hope she was in the warm somewhere, maybe at home, or in a bathroom. Poor girl & baby.
There's a dad lie-ing low - if he stood by the mother things may be different.
At sixteen and in that situation her hormones must be all over the place .

may have suffered post natal depression

All used in the past to cover up female crime.

No excuse whatsoever, think about that poor infant.

Since we have not yet enough evidence,I did not address my remarks directly to this case, only similar ones.

Not one of you have addressed my earlier questions I posted at 15.27.

Perhaps we should learn to understand all these knife wielding, gun-toting sex crazed young male thugs? after all they must have loads of adrenoline and male testosterone pumping through their bodies
AOG, must you always live up to your name? ;o)
I have thought about the child, AOG...................but still come to the conclusion that you are a miserable old curmudgeon............
Did you know that in Roman times women used to frequently dump their babies in this manner,it was known as exposure. A horrible practice. :(
I hope the young girl in this case gets the help and support she obviously needs to bring up her baby,or if that isn't what she wants then to have her adopted out.
terambulam - maybe the father doesn't yet know that he is the father. Maybe the girl had sex with more than one boy/man at the time. Maybe the girl didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labour - it happens....

None of us know the situation surrounding her plight, but all we can do is pray that mother & baby will be well & happy in the future.

As for AOG, I've already expressed that you appear smug & I still stand by that.
Just heard that the young mother will not face any charges. Let's hope there is a happy ending to this story for both Mum and baby.
I was very glad to read that this morning.

Wouldn't have achieved much locking the girl up!
Did you know that in Roman times women used to frequently dump their babies in this manner,it was known as exposure. A horrible practice

What are you saying, she may be Roman, or are you branching off at another tangent, so as to somehow excuse her of this ghastly act of dumping a poor defenceless infant?

I suppose if that had been a little shivering puppy dog, all you who are letting your emotions get the better of you over this, would be condemning the person for abandoning the little puppy?

Let us put this into some sort of perspective?

1/ There is enough sex education given out now.
2/ There are numourous contraceptive methods.
3/ There is unlimited support available.
4/ She chose to have the baby, but not to seek medical attention.
5/ She made the decision to abandon the infant, not in a covered warm place, but out in the open in the middle of one of the coldest snaps for years.
6/ She did this rather than get into some sort of trouble herself.

Ok, as it happened in this case she finally gave herself up, but what if those boys had not found the poor babe in time?

What if the infant had died in those tragic circumstances, what then, would it had been Infanticide?

This little mite should now be adopted by some loving persons and brought up in a warm and comfortable home, it so richly deserves, after the abysmal entrance into this world it had forced upon it.

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